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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. I was looking at that too and thinking maybe he doesn't know how to wheelie.....like myself.
  2. Now if that isn't stating the obvious......
  3. I would worry if there were no jigs or templates used in the building process.
  4. I got Chicken Soup for the Tea Lover's Soul!!
  5. Yes....but a good PW would have made that into 5 different posts! I'm failing!
  6. That would be political career-a-cide. No thanks. That's when my other quote comes into play..... Emphasis on "proper planning" I think that's the way OJ should have went about it. ...and also don't understand why others get upset when folks debate the issues respectfully.
  7. Either way you don't take the law into your own hands.....and OJ did. As far as the DA....I'm not sure, but his office is down the hall...I'll go and ask!
  8. You're comparing apples and oranges now Bob. OJ didn't just prevent them from going anywhere like your scenario with Ash....he robbed them at gunpoint with known parole violating felon(s). You can't take the law into your own hands. OJ should have called the cops. Instead he decided to take the law into his own hands, and that's not legal. Period. Two wrongs don't make a right here. However, I do believe he was set up by someone....and the County does not have it out for him. They are just trying to weed through the "puzzle" that this fiasco has presented them with. Now I'm not saying that's how I would have taken care of it.......proper planning is always the key!
  9. America has been asleep for too long, and you're just now asking this, or was that a rhetorical question? Then you'd have a sick croc on your hands.
  10. Not on this one. The last thread was soooooo off topic all I could do is post that pic! :beer_bang:
  11. All the best things in life are free! :beer_bang:
  12. Sorry Bob. Here at Clark County I think they are just trying to make sense of what Noozeguy is splainin'......
  13. Why is there 2 different roof lines on the same manufacturers' frame?
  14. No they can't say it's limited to just Dumont. Booming dunes have been studied at Sand Mountain as well as Amargosa. At Sand Mountain the Indians are claiming it to be an ancient beast that used to live at the bottom of a lake.......and now resides within the dunes. I love that sound!!
  15. :boyyy: You never can tell during the off season. Just a couple of weeks left.......
  16. That has got to be a rush!!! I'm in!! :freakin_nuts:
  17. Cool stuff. :freakin_nuts: For a bike without a seat they sure aren't cheap!!
  18. I know how ya feel. I had one window fixed for a little over 4 bills and now the other one needs work! :freakin_nuts: Good luck!
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