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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. Don't worry Bob. I volunteer my services to run the shiat outta that bada$$ rail of yours to ensure it gets the proper duning in when you can't. I know...it's a sacrafice, but I'll take one for the team. :mc_smiley:
  2. I couldn't believe it when I got the call on Fri., but it is with a heavy heart that I bring this news to DDR: One of the rescue workers stated off the record that it appeared something possibly fell from above knocking Justin off of his ladder then down the shaft. Justin was a very close friend of the family and a fellow duner. Unfortunately he left behind a wife and very young daughter. Services for Justin will be 2 pm this Thur @ Palm Mortuary on Eastern and Warm Springs in Vegas. RIP brother....you will be sorely missed by your family and friends. :shocked2:
  3. It's a good thing, cause it was you I was most worried about. j/k :shocked2:
  4. We take our hairy child with us some of the time. He is always well supervised when outside of the trailer....that means on a leash 100% of the time. We clean up after him with a shovel and trash bag, as soon as we are aware and never, ever, ever allow him to roam. :mc_smiley: Period. That way he stays outta other peoples business and directly in the front of our trailer in camp. When he is inside this is his M.O....."chill-puppy" : ^^^He always makes that look soooo good. Effen nap king. ^^^ ....and for those who think we shouldn't be allowed to bring our dogs. Get over it. :shocked2:
  5. yeah....you don't want it to catch a cold!!! I gotta get my maint done soon also.
  6. Hmmm.....I didn't know he owned another sandcar before the SU. I remember the spot during the NASCAR race when they showed his new SU.......interesting. :freakin_nuts:
  7. Let alone step-by-step instructions. (More than I wanted to know.)
  8. I hear ya there. I'm all about equal rights....but when they soooooo easily play the card....it has to piss anyone, with a little bit of integrity, right the :freakin_nuts: off. Thanks Tim for standing up for what's right!!
  9. I just now noticed the 20gb HD...... :freakin_nuts: ...now I know where the resources are.....we must have taken up a couple of gig in pics and vids alone!!!
  10. Dude....that was just a techie mental note. You take your work as seriously as I, and that's why you're one of the best. Just a thought....we had 90 online before. Right? What's all the extra baggage? Perhaps resources are more limited......or the upgrades are requiring more resources. <---this is just the IT guy coming out.....wanting to know more. Either way.....thanks for all you do and thanks for the opportunity to expand my horizons and experience a little more of the web stuff!!!! To the founders of DDR and all who support her/it!! :freakin_nuts:
  11. Happy B-day from the pole's.....cmyfirepole, fctryblack84 and sandblaster!!!! :freakin_nuts: note: this $hit is running slow.....as $hit.
  12. I got Biffle's autograph when he was running the Grainger truck. Definately one to watch on the track.
  13. Keep your pimp hand strong! <--- We may be there. It would be my B-day weekend......
  14. I do. Pete's link goes straight to the post with pics.....
  15. ...and yet another off-season thread gone to $hit. The only use this thread has is for Bob's next edition.
  16. None of the ROM programs show up in the remove programs area. ^^^^^Best suggestion yet. We are getting ready to study some more devices....perhaps we can work a deal with the manufacturer. I doubt it though.
  17. I know we have some computer guru's here, and perhaps they can offer a little help with the latest challenge I have been tasked with. A small portion of my job is to keep 90 CE devices configured on the the WLAN for our facilities maintenance staff. I have been asked to remove the games that are installed on the devices. Like Solitaire.... However, when I attempt to remove the executable I receive the following message: I even thought of moving the file, so that it would be harder to find: At this point all I can do is remove the shortcuts in the programs menu, but I know it's a matter of time before someone figures that out. I know this is a ROM issue, but I am able to install a TKIP changeout utility on ROM.....I just can't find any support for removing programs from ROM. I am at the point of reporting back that it can't be done without re-burning the ROM from the factory, but I thought I would throw this one out and see if we have any guru's for these devices around here....you never know. Any suggestions? Experiences? Thoughts?
  18. The pics from St Anthony are great. Someday I'll make it up there with toys. I was lucky enough to stop on my way to Yellowstone and at least touch the sand.
  19. When I was in processing into Nellis the briefer told us that "Vegas was a town built on losers". That pretty much summed it up for me. I think I've gambled $20 in the 20 years I've lived here.
  20. I'm sorry Dani, but with statements like: ....even I get confused. :mc_smiley: Ash has a point here. Recently I had to install some software on a Public Works machine and the desktop tech was commenting about the fact that the machine was accidentaly shipped with Vista installed. Where I work we purchase the Vista license, but we also ask Dell to install XP, as we're not ready to deploy Vista across the county. The tech was saying that it was almost impossible to completely remove Vista and get a "clean" install of XP. I also agree with you Walt when you state the legal issue....however it doesn't mean they have to make it easy. Just like the post someone put up about working on the new Fords, and having to lift the cab for what used to be normal maintenance. But hey, I'm just a programmer not a desktop tech......what do I know.
  21. Man who fall asleep with itchy butt, wake up with stinky finger!
  22. I am thinking more about the off weekend anymore. We are also going to plan more Amargossa trips......we only made one day trip there last year.
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