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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. Seems they have their own website!
  2. Interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing more........
  3. That sucks. It sounds like it's already improving though!!
  4. When I win that bad boy.....I'd have to sell it and have a 2 seat mid-engine built!! :ahhhhh: I can hear them calling my ticket right now!!!
  5. I was pulled over by a NHP in the pickup. He went by my trailer sticker outside, which put me at 13,000 with a 25' toyhauler. :ahhhhh: I was told I needed the J endorsement......luckily he let me go after looking at my toys and talking about Dumont. I'm with Craig......weigh your stuff just to be sure. I bet some of us would be shocked.
  6. Same thing happened to a friend of mine when it was 116 out a week or so ago......and the tire did a number to his truck to top it all off!!!
  7. .......you need a better deal if you're on call all the time!!!
  8. Congrats...nice toyhauler!!! :icon_twisted:
  9. Met my wife in 10th grade English class over 24 years ago. I finally spoke to her one night when she came to a garage party that I was playing at! I told her that I would like to see her more, but I needed to break up with my current girlfriend, which never seemed to be around. The day finally came and she was in the garage when I broke the news to the old girl and watched her peel out in her impala!! Buh-bye!! ...and yes we had long hair and played ....but at least the band got free booze at all the parties!
  10. I grew up in the Redondo Beach area. Lots of house parties....no dirt lots. We would attempt to party at the beach, but it wouldn't take long for the cops to break it up.
  11. Been there....done that. I walk out of the office 30min after my scheduled appt is supposed to start if I haven't been called. :freakin_nuts: My time is just as important as theirs.
  12. I know that feeling. My latest addiction has been this one Clicky
  13. Wow...didn't take long to go right to man bashing.....AGAIN. Q: Why do women have smaller feet then men? A: So they can stand closer to the kitchen sink. Q: Why do men pass more gas than women do? A: Because women don't shut up long enough to build up pressure. Q: If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, which do you let in first? A: The dog of course. At least he'll shut up after you let him in.
  14. You fugger. This one made me laugh out loud.......I'm sure my neighbor in the next cube over is wondering!!!
  15. He said ten feet.... How much room do you need to not get it all over?
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