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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. No...I think he's saying that she can pee standing up and the stream goes 10 ft. I have heard on KOMP that if you practice you can do this too.
  2. No chit. You can tell by this thread that there is some serious sand withdrawals going on!!!
  3. Not unreasonable at all when you consider the price to ride the rides at Disneyland or any other amusement park, and they aren't even half the fun that Dumont provides! Talk about an "E" ticket attraction!!!! Personally I think $20 is chump change when you consider the cost of participating in our sport/hobby.
  4. I used to do simulated rock decks and water features. At the home shows we would talk our customers into this concept in order to save enough money to afford our product at much less. The pool companies hated us because they knew we were right. If I remember correctly there are only a handful of contractors to keep up with.
  5. Joe is da man!!!! I had a gremlin in my heater last winter and his guy was willing to come out at 3am when it was acting up!!! I can't say enough about his service and his crew!
  6. You have to be a little more thick skinned when it comes to some folks around here. You should have left your original post up..... :ahhhhh:
  7. Yes it is....it's already set as my wallpaper for my computer!!!
  8. BBQ and swimming at a friends house. Then back home for fireworks and . Back to work Thurs then off to Duck Creek for the weekend!
  9. You're probably on an Exchanger server and only the admins get space issue messages.
  10. When I got there he was video taping the pool table.
  11. I heard about that on KOMP the other day on my way to work. They said the last known location was Carey and Pecos travelling west.....
  12. It didn't work for me earlier either....and we have a T1 line....
  13. You can't go wrong calling Joe.
  14. Are you sure the BAH doesn't have something to do with your sheep fetish?
  15. It's nice and cool at my house thanks to my A/C guy.....
  16. SandBox_Kid

    AM I

    Man...someone's digging deep. I thought this was a new thread until I looked saw Tacomama posted.
  17. Know anyone with a water truck?
  18. Since I know everyone is worried about the little girl...there is an update to her condition. The article then goes on to state..... Get well Kaitlyn....
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