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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. He tried everyday means, without any luck. Both him and I work in a fairly large IT shop and this wasn't our first day at the rodeo, if you know what I mean. This was a last ditch effort at recovering the data, and in my opinion, was as close to "ideal" as you can get.
  2. My friend just spoke to a guy about getting a new water line dug and installed. The guy is starting next week. Didn't seem too difficult to get some backhoe work done up there.....
  3. We went to Duck Creek for the weekend and planned a day trip to Coral when we had a Bert sighting. We intended to go on that ride, but with Shery's bike leaking oil like it was we were done. We had one good ride from the meadows to waaaay past the Ranger station (had time for a little break)...then back to the station for a sticker. We were lucky because I noticed Shery's bike dripping on the pavement! :dance: It was half full of oil, so we decided to head back and keep an eye on it. We only made it half way back and had to stop and bring oil back to the bike. We made it back without burning anything up. I can't believe how soft it is there! Wow...took a little getting used to, but was still a lot of fun.
  4. That could have been me. We spent the weekend with friends at their cabin in Duck Creek and did a day trip to Coral from there. 50mi to Coral from there!
  5. First off let me say WOW! I did notice this: ...the text "water)" doesn't look right next to the picture.
  6. I wonder how SB 434 will affect non-titled OHV's here in NV. There's info on DMV titles in the bill....
  7. It still may be recoverable. I know a guy who put his hard drive in the freezer (in a baggy) then plugged it in while cold...he had enough time to copy everything over to a portable drive. On another note, if the data is important there are data recovery companies that can "attempt" to recover the data. It's usually not cheap though.
  8. I agree with Pete...go have it looked at. So what if they tell you "sorry nothing we can do". Better safe than sorry.....and besides you aren't getting any younger.
  9. Travis was telling me that NV is a no title state for OHV. When I got the "new to me" 70 for free I called CA DMV to clear it with no problema...but when I called NV DMV they told me to call Metro to see if it's hot.
  10. It is now. I sat in a Q and A session here at work for SLED (Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop) and they went to market with a product that has the same "look and feel" as Vista....and released way before Vista! Looks just like windows to me.... Not to mention OpenOffice is free and will be portable to and from Office by the end of the year!
  11. I say go for it. If not and you go PC then go linux and don't worry about virus' there either.
  12. Soooo...is it spread out or do you tend to run into people?
  13. 1. Finish my 50lb weight loss.....25 down....25 to go. (I've let it go the past month or so...holiday's aren't helping) Nope...fell off the wagon lately and I don't think there will be much left of me if I went to 50 2. Finalize the rail and maybe get it painted or powdered. (It's been nick-named "chip" until then) Not this year....maybe next.....but I did say maybe to this one!! 3. Continue to enjoy life and improve my health. YES....this one is a gimme!!
  14. ^^^^ you're starting to quote yourself.....
  15. Why does it seem like some idiots are made outta rubber?
  16. We will be heading up to Duck Creek this weekend and taking the flatbed w/ quads over to Coral for a day trip. I had hoped to make it for Memorial, but with fuel prices this will be a cheaper route for us.....
  17. Cool!! That place has been and is now definitely on my list! Thanks for sharing.
  18. This started out kinda funny....not really...but now it's turned into:
  19. :freakin_nuts: .....did he look like this?
  20. Hmm...you might find this interesting. A little public record search shows that the owner does not live in that house. I wonder how they would feel about the trouble going on there?
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