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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. Now that there is designated holiday weekends with special fees....have those dates also been established? For instance can someone tell me what dates comprise the '07 Halloween weekend? I think that'll be important to those of us who plan to camp the week before or the week after the big holidays.
  2. The sandman puts people to sleep. I'd like to be Superman! Now there's a dude that's gets the chicks, can fly, is pretty indestructable....and can make his own dunes! Although I'd have to be him full time cause that Clark Kent geek just doesn't cut it.
  3. Is there a rule concerning this? I couldn't find it myself......
  4. Unbelievable. Hmm......I can wrap any text into a url.... Muahahaha!!
  5. No it's not....but it's my logo that I use to represent!
  6. For some reason I had to add the "img" tags around the image url....like this. [url=http://dumontduneriders.com/][img=http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t23/cmyfirepole/Logos/DDR4.gif][/url] ...to get this.... Otherwise it turned out like this http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t23/cmy.../Logos/DDR4.gif Done on Gd.....let's see how long it lasts!!
  7. Thank you for sharing. RIP Randy and Stephanie.....
  8. That's close to my house....please post some pics so I can get the word out around here......
  9. You think that's funny......check your PM's in a minute!!
  10. I thought you were kidding....
  11. Relax. You did say it was unfinished, but you only stated: So...I figured you mounted the seatbelts and built the cage with the exception of the trunk rack. Have any completed pics? ...you said "99% of the sandrails that go out, are extremely unsafe" and "why in the F would anyone use a transaxle?".... When you state in generalities like that you are pretty much saying it directly to almost everyone that owns a sandrail. :dunce:
  12. "Real men of genius.... ...Mr handlebar tricks on your quad guy!"
  13. You mean like this? ...or this? ...or this? How about these?
  14. That is the sammy that belongs to 1320....the guy talk that said
  15. Not to pick on the guy, but I would be concerned with the mounting of the rear seatbelts...and the lack of cross bracing in the rear. I also see the padding for the front passenger's heads....what about the rear passengers? But what do I know..... :ahhhhh:
  16. I hear ya...and what everyone else is saying about the "clique" environment over there. Even if they claim it doesn't exist, I'm not so sure. I just get that feeling....it's the way it comes off. However, I have picked up on some good info for my atc70, but that's about it.
  17. Then build something that will revolutionize the industry.
  18. Dayyuuuum! Another foot or so to the left and it could have been a lot worse on the rider and less on the building!
  19. "Slappy" explained yesterday that Sandsampler (sp?) was quitting his 12 year job with the water dept ??? ...... to join the full time fight for Glamis. I think the goal is to create an income to replace the one he had.
  20. My little red old school car made it in.....we're represented! :blush: I'm sure if there was one on the site it would have been added......
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