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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. I go there for tech advice.....
  2. Tractor supply might be having some specials then too! Hot dayum!
  3. I think it's like the door trim stuff on autos, but for sheet metal (not chrome). I have a little bit at home that my bro-in-law gave me to edge my control panel, so I don't tear my hand up in case of...... How much are you looking for Warrior?
  4. You know you're a redneck......
  5. Dude, you are now in the club. Here's your badge!! If it's free....it's for me. No way am I paying for GD.....
  6. Heights...that's why I'm going sky diving! Anyone want in?
  7. More pics of this mornings sessions....from the champ car website.... We were just on the front side of this bridge....
  8. More pics coming from another nice employee that had a good camera. They were screaming by....and the smell of methanol was in the air! They're telling us that we can use our parking lot to park at for the race. I'm debating on going because the tickets are $47 at the gate Sunday, and I think TV coverage will be much better. However, the atmosphere is what gets me going......
  9. The boss talked me into going downstairs and checking out the Champ car practice. (like he had to twist my arm) We found a nice spot on the railroad bridge (which won't be available during the race) and they were haulin the mail until one dude got loose and wrecked just past where we were standing. I did take a pic or two with my cell....they were screaming by in 4th gear at this point.... ...should've brought a better camera!
  10. Doesn't seem safe to me....you can see the kid bouncing around in the seat.
  11. All he wanted was a little Taco Bell.......
  12. I need ta git me uh new job...delivering computers is wack and git Sheniquah's a$$ back ova' heeah.
  13. If you go with powdercoat let me know who you went with....
  14. I picked one up and plan on a restore this summer. Well....maybe not a restore, but a rebuild. I started a rebuild thread on GD...I didn't think there would be much interest here. Nice catch TeeDuner....I didn't even know that thread existed. I'm sure there's another on here from a member that also recently picked one up.
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