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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. You make me proud to be an American. Your self sacrafice has shown how selfish some of us really are. Thank you Woody!
  2. Sorry bro...but I gotta be a straight shooter!
  3. I'm in, and that's right around vet's weekend. I pledge to donate my winnings (if I win) back to the cause. It'll be a great weekend of duning regardless...and it'll be good for the dunes.
  4. Chicks aren't cheap. Get the fan....it won't argue.
  5. I hear ya..I'm feeling the excitement myself. All of the toys have been prepped. I just need batteries for the hauler...and check the generator. Although the new job kept me from doing the final upgrades to the rail I'm saying F' it....the dunes are calling and the rail ran good last year...the changes can wait till mid season or the next off season.
  6. My trailer says 13,000+ dry, and I've been pulled over and warned. I have a hard time believing a 25' tow behind weighs that much, but I know this season I need to "face the dragon" and get the R endorsement... :bert:
  7. There's a whole lot of this going on....and not enough of this. Get yo chit together....and get to the dunes people!!!
  8. That's the stuff I was looking for not too long ago.
  9. We will be there. First vacation in a looooong time....and it's my 40th! :black:
  10. Our crew at Amargossa...the early days. A rainy day at the dunes is better than any day stuck at home. First trip with the new sandrail. Ahhhhh....home away from home.
  11. That's no different than the Ipod either. Thanks Craig...nice to know. Now if they'd get better service in Dumont.
  12. Congrats Bert....we're happy for you and the family!!
  13. Happy B-day Pete!!! Hope it's a good one!
  14. Congrats. What constitutes the 70 crew? I know there are more members than Paul and Craig on this site with 70's.
  15. I meant that gas is killing those of us that don't use diesel. It is costing me close to $100 to fill my truck now. I know diesels are costing more.....but it used to only cost around $65 to fill up. Then 40 gals in the toyhauler....and another 40 for the truck (round trip). It adds up.
  16. I have a no soliciting sign clearly on my door. If they knock anyways I give them the 3rd degree. :rant_on:
  17. It's not just diesel....it gas all together. It has been going up just like diesel has. The hauler is the only thing I wish I was financing. It's a good tax right off for us. The toys are paid for....the truck and trailer aren't. We are squeaking through the tough times ourselves. Thank God for promotions, and my merit increases have also outpaced the cost of living....so it's keeping our heads above water. The county isn't so bad once you work your way up. I think we will make the same amount of trips next year...maybe more if we're lucky.
  18. Congrat Ed and family!! Before you know it...you'll be shopping for bikes!!!!
  19. Dayuuum Dave. Hope your feeling better. My dad had an old BSA that kicked back bad.......
  20. Warrior has been missing an image from his signature for some time now..... :argue:
  21. I have to disagree. I live in the ghetto and there was a crapload of crime in my area.....lots of stolen vehicles. Sometimes I don't think thieves are smart enough to shop around.
  22. Warrior has graduated from jackazz in training.....
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