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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. Not to stir it up, but I gotta ask.....Does your current mood also have a play in here? If you write tickets according to attitude yours has to have some "weight" in it somewhere. :mc_smiley: IMHO. I always thought justice was blind...and so it should be enforced that way. Perhaps I see things too black & white when it comes to enforcement.
  2. We'll be on the outside of the backstretch for the same period of time.....partying with our friends from Idaho.
  3. Schwiiiiiiing!!!! Very nice ...and good choice. Congrats.
  4. I also heard that he races NASCAR too......but that must be a rumour if he's a flatbiller.
  5. Did you read the rules about personal attacks?
  6. Saw one over Prez weekend.....was a "guest" of someone in our camp and the "guest" even mentioned it because the guy was embarrassingly(sp?) obvious. He couldn't sit still....I know the signs and am no foo.
  7. You'll find this interesting. Most organizations follow the Robert's Rules of Order when it comes to meetings and stuff like that.
  8. Try rv.net....maybe someone over there has one of those.
  9. Not to stir it up, but I gotta ask.....Does your current mood also have a play in here? If you write tickets according to attitude yours has to have some "weight" in it somewhere. :mischevious: IMHO. I always thought justice was blind...and so it should be enforced that way. Perhaps I see things too black & white when it comes to enforcement. :mischevious:
  10. http://www.duneguide.com/sand_dune_guide_little_sahara.htm
  11. You never know bob...he could have just put you on "ignore"!! j/k
  12. Oh yeah...if you want drama I hear they have a soap channel now, so drama is viewable all day looooong.
  13. I have seen some of those back in the '70s on many bike runs.....WOW is all that I can say. I have no problem with you Dan, but there may have been a time that I wondered. Yes. The lack of a hug when I visited camp was enough to increase my counseling visits and meds. j/k I'm surprised it hasn't been stopped yet. FYI - Mod's don't dictate what's on this site. We only keep an eye out and let the prez determine what is acceptable and what isn't. If it was my decision I would have shut it down long ago. People need to mature a little....and be more concerned with their own behavior rather than others, as well as being careful about the content of what they are posting. Remember little eyes can read too. ...and personal attacks are not allowed. Period. If it starts back up I will close the thread and recommend it going bye-bye. Although it's still not my call.
  14. Great advice right there. I think it's funny reading all the posts about which bike will beat which. Who effen cares? Get the bike that feels right for the rider.
  15. Made my appt for this Sat......we'll be looking good for the races, and it's time to get it waxed anyway.
  16. I was out for the trucks also and was very excited because it was a good race and seemed like it would liven the track up a little. However when the cup guys came and tested at the end of Jan....they all said it was bumpy and wouldn't produce any exciting racing for a while. The buildings weren't even started in Jan and one of the drivers even commented on that! Racing is racing though and I'll be there.
  17. A lot of the drivers aren't talking very good about LVMS right now. They are also saying that it'll be boring for the first couple of races.
  18. We'll be there from Thurs thru Mon morning. We take the hauler so we can enjoy delicious beverages and watch everyone trying to get out. There's a group from Idaho we meet up with every year!! It's a great 4 day party...good times.
  19. The things us guys will do to be next to chics!!
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