Here ya go Kenny you can have my logo....I was going to start an 'ol skool krew with some of the old school rail guys....
...but then I realized that I really don't need a crew. I have that's a crew.
I don't know there is already a topic on this (couldn't find one), but I thought it would be cool to see what everyone's first bike was. Post some pics......
My first bike at the age of 5 was the Honda 50 minitrail bike just like this one:
Then I moved up to the XR75 (Honda's first a true off-road motorcycle right off the production line.)
They still haven't buried James. Apparently there's a huge battle going on over his estate and his final resting place. "GOOD GOD!!" Just bury the dude.
Never thought about the incestual angle. CNN this morning said a DNA test to determine the father will happen despite who's on the birth cert. :whacky101:
Are you saying that there are more bikes there and they are more than likely stolen? If that's the case the cops should have had a better clue as to what is going on.
I say we lynch 'em.
<--- or just go Jason on them
I personally appreciate having the emergency assistance you can't put a value on the lives that can be saved. I don't mind volunteering my time to help cleanup or paying the many dues and fees that I do. (ASA, FODD, etc)
I hear ya...and to think all that talk on lincoln electric about how they are gearing up schools to provide a more quality work force because they have run outta friends and relatives to put into those positions.
Back on topic: I'm going to attempt to make this ride...again.