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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. I know this is off topic...but what in your experience has brought you to that decision? I know it's all work and no rewards.....
  2. I can think of worse......hmmm.......Barry Manilow for instance. Who in the heck bowls sober?
  3. How are the dunes going to pay for dumpsters and a paved road? :monkeedance2: Can you elaborate a little more? You'll shoot your eye out!
  4. What is enging ice? or engine ice?
  5. We usually do B 7-8, but this Pres day we're going to be at F-8.
  6. ...more chic's that can handle the HP and are hot are John Force's daughters!! I could only find a shot of Ashley...who now runs in one of Dad's 300 mph funny cars!!
  7. Can you put a period in once in a while...please? Anyways it's awful hard to read when it's one long winded sentence. You and the mohawk kid need to get together.....since you both have soooooo much talent.
  8. Alright already. I've donated and money is REALLY tight at the pole's.
  9. :ban-cha: <---- that dude is as hilarious as these two--->
  10. That's not a llama...looks more like a banana riding an odd colored seal.
  11. That's the same truck my son has....don't lift it. No bueno. Ask factryblck84 how many times he's had front end problems on his. Interested in a hard cover for the bed?
  12. Ok....it just seems to me like you are travelling North...then West...then doubling back and going South....and by the time you get to the 160 Amardusthole is a lot closer. Has anyone put the trip meter on that route? Time for Google Maps.
  13. That's cool....but you gotta try the subservient chicken. http://subservientchicken.com/ Tell it to lay an egg!!!
  14. Ahhh....but it seems like a loooong way around.
  15. That's a great candidate for a desert beater....kinda like the vega!
  16. Dude...way to throw him under the bus. I can just see it now...nobody will be there to bail either of you out because of chit like that. ...and just like Pete the first hottie to come to mind for me is my hottie: <---Schwwiiiiiiing!!! Coming on 20 years of marriage and almost 25 years of dealing with me. Noboby's hotter than her in my book. ...then it would have to be Danica Patrick.....Mmmmm a chick who know's how to handle hp. She actually led the Indy 500 at one point.
  17. Do you mean you used to do the Tecopa version and now you do the Pahrump version? You have to drive past Blue Diamond to get to both. Right?
  18. ...and here's a member sporting his sweater.....names on the back though.
  19. So true. You need to get your request in know.....he's a busy knitter this time of the year!
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