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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. Like most have said the electric tongue jack has been my best investment by far. I also added a portable compressor and small extension cord, so filling tires on the toys, hauler, tow-vehicle, air bags or anything in camp is easy.
  2. Congrats! It is nice to have your own hauler.
  3. We went for a nice day trip to amargosa this weekend. :fart: Man that place sucks.
  4. No. doesn't send that mag to me.....
  5. If you read the article that was linked you'll find that the ones made so far are in the possession of some serious off-roaders....like the McMillan's.
  6. Would that make it a quad sport?
  7. ...and someone said that I have a lot of time on my hands lately......
  8. I thought it was pretty nice....but what do I know.
  9. That sucks. My wife's gas cap and some fuel was stolen outta her truck sometime this week also.
  10. Just trying to educate and stimulate the minds of my fellow duners.
  11. That's just it...you put it out there because you do care, but unfortunately most people don't and really can't see beyond themselves. It's all about Karma..... and I wouldn't want to be in some peeps shoes when payback comes around. Remember there's more than one way to tell someone to eff off....... For example besides these normal eff you smilies <--- that was funny you effer <---- that wasn't funny you effer ..there's one for every occasion in my "bag-o-trix"... <---- just being a silly effer <---- my personal favorite (do I need to say why?) <---- self-explanatory <---- if you just don't want the little childrens to read what you really want to say <---- if there's something that just isn't PC to say <---- if your just a happy effer <---- that really really wasn't funny you effer Feel free to use any of these when the occasion calls for it.
  12. Post of the year right there. Oh yeah....
  13. You have your own special issues...so self esteem wouldn't work.
  14. I got this from a friend at work....
  15. I can't find a source that state methamphetamine use can result in Intestinal Dysbiosis. ...and from what I could find, it could happen to anyone even those who don't use meth.
  16. Where was this pic taken from then?
  17. No I caught him in a yesterday!! Admit it Chase. But seriously, you are a very nice guy outside of this site. Why can't we see that here...all the time? You need to stop worrying about what other people say or think about you (or type for that matter). Period. Don't let them bother you....just be yourself like you are in person. Have more security in who you are and stop trying to fight the world. For example.....you caught me off guard talking chit to my son in one thread (his truck was grocery getter)then offering to loan him some paddles in another. It was impossible to figure out where you were coming from. Besides all of that, we have enough immature folks to deal with in here.....with much more talent than yourself.
  18. FYI..... Butch's Speed Shop 3636 MEADE AVE. LAS VEGAS, NV 89102
  19. As long as we don't publish when all of us are at the dunes we should be alright. :dance:
  20. Nah.....gotta set some goals for the little feller!! :dance:
  21. I remember when Mike did that. That's why I was thinking that he might be able to steer you in the right direction. :dance: Just trying to help. I bought my frame off of one of his buddies who now has a SandSprite VI.
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