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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. Don't sweat it...I cleaned 'em up for ya.
  2. That's my job now Don.....back off!! You are the official jester...just like the smiley shows. Sorry to hear that Pete. I know how that is......good vibes and prayers for your mother from me and my family.
  3. Yes I have the 6.0L HD setup. Anyone know what the 30,000 major service costs?
  4. You mean he got the scary end of that night...drivin' that rickety old dodge. If I wanted him to experience a bad a$$ classic I'd let him drive the '69 in the driveway. Now that's bad a$$!! The weird part is you two are like night and day........ I heard you met RALPH a few times that night!! Was he with his buddy CHUCK?
  5. That and I'd have to kick his a$$ for not getting with me when my kids are a problem. I and only I will discipline my child....and more than likely apologize to and thank whoever brings it to my attention. Messing with someone's kid is a quick way to the morgue.
  6. That sucks.....may he rest in peace. Sunday races aren't going to be the same without hearing him in the booth.
  7. I'm not sure which trans it is......It's an '05 with HD trans and locking rear end. It also has the tow button on the column with a trans temp gauge. Hope that helps with the ID. I'm thinking I'm taking this to the dealer for the major service.....as I'm tired of having to watch the Jiffy lube tweekers and this is a serious service. I am just wondering how much I'll need to budget for.
  8. Speaking of oil changes....is there a big 30,000 mile fluid change on my gas 2500hd? I heard this is a good time to change all fluids......
  9. Dang dude...you are getting the shaft...... It's nice to see I taught him something right. ...and as far as Chase out drinking anyone....he has me beat because I personally don't want to drink THAT much.
  10. We always take a break in the middle of our ride. It's part of the experience for us and it gives the VW motor a little break from all the . Just hanging out in camp is ...... :fro:
  11. ^^That's the best way to out anyone acting like an a$$hat. I mean look at this guy...... I would be embarrassed (sp?)
  12. All I hear is . My furnace has been down since last week Thur and you don't hear me .
  13. I'm leaning toward the 4 stroke myself for 2 reasons. Maintenance and fuel. Everything I bring can run on the same fuel including the tow vehicle and generator.
  14. ...or this one http://www.dakar.com/2007/DAK/LIVE/us/700/index.html
  15. Even typing somethin' simple makes ya sound just like da brothers in da hood. and git Sheniquah's a$$ back ova' heeah. :yeah_whatever:
  16. Why don' ya stop hijacking dis here pimpz thread? He iz just some poor whitey kid wiff nahh talent! Jus' like Orenthawl James.
  17. I got this from a friend of mine: Stage 7 got cut short today due to a sand storm. Robby finished 13th for the stage which puts him in 16th overall. http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=bobbychuck
  18. It WOULD have been a good burn if it was true. I've seen chase dune....but I've only seen the mohawk wonder hill shoot....and get mad when he can't beat someone on a bunch of different bikes. His talent will run out then what will he have? There's always someone quicker and with more talent. But since this has turned into yet another smack talk thread.....Has anyone seen my stension cord?
  19. Ok....here's the link for a little slideshow on the right side http://www.myspace.com/rich1honac You can see that I had it completely stipped and re-primed before he got to it.....
  20. I didn't fall off my chair laughing...but the old man's laugh stumping the whole comedians routine was funny!
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