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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. Thanks again for the help...Jim, Bert and Pete....I'm duning tomorrow.
  2. It ain't over yet.....everything except the telescoping feature works. The blinkers and electric adjusters are working fine...they just don't wanna extend. Could my Diablosport tune have anything to do with it? Or, does the 2005 actually need to be reprogrammed also? I'm going to go back to the stock tune and see if it helps....either way it won't hurt especially if I have to get reprogrammed. Why can't I just hook my laptop up and do it? j/k Anyone? Call me if you have any clues........ Gotta make Dumont tomorrow....and mirrors are a show stopper now.
  3. It was the screw behind the manual locking mechanism. I didn't want to pry on a nice piece of interior unless I knew what was up......thanks SAND~~SNAKE. You da man!!!
  4. The switch panel pops off in the rear and screws off in the front. I can't seem to get the panel off around the actual locking mechanism. I have tried to pull the panel upwards, but it won't budge and I don't want to break anything.
  5. Yes...they have the corners that come off....but that doesn't get you to the hook ups at the switch. It looks like you should take the whole panel off in order to run the wire harness' properly.
  6. This is a sad day! "Good God!!"
  7. That was NOT me. I wouldn't do something like that to someones homestead.... Oh...thanks for the welcome and the party!!!! ...and metal chairs don't burn well!!
  8. I purchased these mirrors from painterjoe....Click me....and am trying to get them installed. I am having trouble getting the door panels off on my '05 2500hd. I found a couple of screws but it doesn't want to come apart near the controls..........any done this before?
  9. I only have 1 that is worthy...with no sound. It will give you an idea of our view all day...... Also a buddy sent this to me....
  10. I found this pic on another site.....
  11. ..after 7pm.... :dance: come on.....I'm not that bad. We shall see. This kid does......my sickness has put me behind and I wanna be duning the day after Xmas!! Now I gotsta dew obertime..... :dunce: Are you CRAZY!!!???? No sugar that late at night mister! :dance:
  12. I hate to say it...but getting hit at home and the truck tells me that it's usually someone he knows or knows him.
  13. We won't have that for long. I plan to remove it sooooooon.
  14. Daayyyyuumm....and I spent all weekend putting my broken shiat back together.
  15. You misunderstood....let me try again. That's another thread. Click here.
  16. Nothing like a little sand in the wound!!
  17. That's the attitude these dayz....pretty f'd up if you ask me. Nice work though.
  18. I see that the bulletin is mainly speaking about the Duramax <-----sorry no trademark symbol :freakin_nuts: However, it is a little misleading when I see the same Diablosport programmer that I have being sold over the counter at the dealership parts counter (Bill Heard)........ Personally I like the results of my programmer. Even on the 87 octane tune the shifting is a little firmer and the performance is noticable. However on the high performance tune and 100 octane.......
  19. I see by your sig Coors supports environmentalists also. I also noticed by this link here http://www.sierraclub.org/sierrasummit/sponsor/ Mercury is also a big time sponsor. Isn't Mercury a Ford product?
  20. I have to agree with what they are telling you on the other site....all manufacturers are giving to greenies in one way or another.
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