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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. We make our annual pilgrimage with the family every year for the last 3....and it isn't as bad as Pres. day.
  2. Some campgrounds are limited. Just something to think about.
  3. The whole point of the site is for us low budget rail owners....and it's too new to be more than it is already. I'm hoping in time it'll grow and be a good place for technical help. So far it's worked pretty good for me.
  4. I noticed that you also mentioned taking it to the mountains.....you might want to be careful on length.
  5. Hang in there Christy....I know from experience that these are very trying times.
  6. I think the site is great.....and he did ask to use my pics also, but I'm not grumpy like Jon (just kidding)!! ....and ISBB did that to me too. :whip_em:
  7. As long as your in Dumont I'd be happy to help. I got a new Rancho sandpro transaxle for the rail......and a helmet. Other than that I just want my family healthy and happy.
  8. That's what I think about the high dollar paint murals on some of the rails...too nice to ride. Should be left in the showroom.
  9. It is good to see you back home, and like Pete said "The sand and DDR aren't going anywhere."
  10. Thanks...and yes it was nipply!! Going to go rally racing next year...should be different.
  11. ....Cajon? I think it was a burp.....according to what OGP said and what Garmin says...
  12. SandBox_Kid


    I'm seeing a recurring theme here....
  13. I just had a chance to catch up with all of the crying going on over here and I think everyone needs to look at the facts. There were so many to choose from on on the American Lung Assoc site...so I picked a couple that concern MY health and NOT THE SMOKERS!!!! Remember we're talking about the effects of second hand smoke; when it affects someone and they know the facts I can't blame them for getting angry and passionate about it. No matter how you look at it, smokers have the potential to take lives of those of us who do not partake. That's just not cool.
  14. I purchase 1/2 chord at a time on Nellis near Cheyenne also...not too expensive when buying in bulk.
  15. Signed....and link sent to everyone that I know who off roads or supports off roading. Thanks for the link OGP and thanks for starting the petition Jon.....I noticed it was you in the reply email.
  16. My gps showed my top speed, on a trip from Vegas to LA, was 163 mph! I knew the diablosport tuner was good, but not that good. So, why the discrepency?
  17. That's no surprise when all you're doing is . It's getting worn out.
  18. Look at those high quality rims and tires!!! I'm sooooo jealous.
  19. According to the above quote from channel 8....these establishments are the ones that are exempt until it is settled. Click here for court doc.
  20. I wonder which ones are and are not on the list......
  21. This is a town built on losers....and looking at it there are a lot of losers. :yeah_whatever:
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