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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. I agree. I am also hearing rumblings of other manufacturers waiting to release side-by-sides for the same reason.
  2. I expect things like "caution tape" or "coning off finger dunes" or "camp racers" to cause more of an uproar during the off season than I ever expected this subject to.....and it doesn't seem too far off. :surrender:
  3. It sounds like others actually need to stop reading into things....too much.
  4. ..and Happy T-day to everyone also.... ...and be safe out there!!
  5. I think she doesn't like the little white dealio that's attached to the yolk.......so she has to pick them out before she cooks the eggs. There's SONIC's all over Vegas.
  6. Now that's funny!! <<<<Since everyone else is dancin' around here.
  7. Here you go Don...I found a smilie for you...
  8. Yep...too many camera angles show that it came outta his car...and he was in line for the "lucky dog" for being the first car 1 lap down.
  9. I try to buy a 1/2 cord at a time....then I just bring what I can each trip. I think it's cheaper than the $5 bundles.
  10. You just never know. It could happen. I've heard about rails rolling at really slow speeds.
  11. SandBox_Kid


    That's what I mean...Valley Performance is a performance type shop. They don't sell parts and such...the shop out front does. I bought all my parts from there when it was called Discount Foreign Auto.....now it's Butch's..... ...and when it was Discount they had the led lights for the top of your whip there.
  12. SandBox_Kid


    Valley Performance doesn't do retail stuff, they just work in the back shops...it used to be Discount Foreign Auto....now it's Butch's Speed Shop.
  13. He does a good job at wrecking rally cars too.....Click here. Bottom left of the page.
  14. Those are some nice photochops!!! However this one.... ....my younger brother accomplished all by himself. I was happy I wasn't him that day!!
  15. I found this on another site...and I think it applies....
  16. I think the disrespect is a problem, but what do you hope to accomplish by talking to the rangers? This is only going to cause us to have more rules. Is that what we really want?
  17. Johnny Walker has been good to me...however I bought from them.
  18. :shocked2: Just because you have a degree does not make you any smarter than anyone else. Period. I have one......big deal. Besides we're here for how about you?
  19. SandBox_Kid


    Hmmmm......the parents must be doing something right!
  20. SandBox_Kid


    You're right.....computer tech is worse than buying a new car. Depreciates REAL quick.
  21. How about the little tiny town of Pitman that lies between Vegas and Henderson? Don't blink.
  22. I did...and the Paloma's are tasting mighty fine.
  23. I'm pretty sure it was across the street from the Library.
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