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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. That's great to hear Terry....the dunes are waiting...now heal up!!
  2. Off topic...... Unfortunately customer service has gone the way of mutual respect and common courtesy. It isn't being passed along the generations for one reason or another. However that doesn't mean that I have to put up with it. I guess I'm becoming a grumpy old man.
  3. Don't forget about the little guys.....Gordon drove the first 725 miles....
  4. I just found this little recipe...since you already have the fryer's going.....
  5. That kind of stuff is usually found in Dumont Happenings.....here is the latest info on the ride during the T-day holiday.>>>>>click here
  6. Since we seem to have some South Coast casino experts.....(we all start out as a spurt).......I heard that South Coast is NOT hosting anymore BITD races. Is that true?
  7. You might be in Henderson if..... ...you find yourself at the corner of Horizon and Horizon. :freakin_nuts:
  8. I'm showing #83 McMillan Racing - Robby Gordon still in Ensenada....I wonder if they even made it off the line?
  9. Are these common? Where can I find some?
  10. I wanted to re-submit my picture of a "dog in the sand dunes"
  11. I bet you'd get a sunburn from standing in front of those bad boys! :freakin_nuts:
  12. Dude you better relax with the 37/38 yr old thing. :laughoff:j/k Just turned 38 here. :freakin_nuts:
  13. Yeah...no chit! Can you say sausage fest.
  14. :bash: It's not a hot drink, but Paloma's have been my favorite lately. Anejo tequila and Squirt.
  15. You REALLY should do some research before you Here's Bert's new truck!!
  16. Me too. I checked on GD where Joe is trying to sell it and quickly seen it advertised as Sandcars Unlimited and thought it was SU.....
  17. Sandcars Unlimited......I thought that was SU....my bad.
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