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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. I hear ya....but last year when the camps left and we stayed an extra day there was no one around the kiddie track that I almost hit. Another in our group hit one in Amargosa and broke her wrist. Kiddie tracks kill and aren't part of the natural environment. Yes...you shouldn't ride beyond what you can see, but some of these tracks are dug in and not easily seen from a distance. I am all about leaving things better than they were when I arrived...like picking up the trash. Kiddie tracks at Glamis are so big you can see them in the satellite pics. :north_pole: That isn't leaving things the way you found them......
  2. Or drink plenty of anti-freeze (hard alcohol) before going to bed. :north_pole:
  3. Why is it different in each County? I was under the impression that the DMV was state run and they set the regs.......
  4. Come on firepole jr....you know pops has got your back. Have I ever let you down? :north_pole:
  5. Our payment is helping out with the best Dumont site ever. :north_pole:
  6. mod‧er‧a‧tor  /ˈmɒdəˌreɪtər/ [mod-uh-rey-ter] –noun 1. a person or thing that moderates. 2. a person who presides over a panel discussion on radio or television. 3. a presiding officer, as at a public forum, a legislative body, or an ecclesiastical body in the Presbyterian Church. 4. Physics. a substance, as graphite or heavy water, used to slow neutrons to speeds at which they are more efficient in causing fission.
  7. fuggit....I just ordered a new tranny. Maybe I should get him a bus pass! :north_pole:
  8. Kiddie tracks kill. Tragic. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
  9. I actually had planned on purchasing a new Rancho built sand pro......but my son came home from Amargosa with a blown motor on his truck. It's gonna be one of those seasons....I can tell. What's a guy gonna do.
  10. Well we finally pulled the tranny and engine out and it looks really good......I found extra teeth from a gear or two if anyone is interested....really cheap......
  11. That's fuggin hilarious!!
  12. The war and Bush's policies have nothing to do with our service men and women. I really hope that others don't put that stigma onto our troops (I know you didn't ). They volunteered and have no choice where they go or who they fight. The fact is that they are there, so that the rest of us don't have to be. If we didn't have them imagine what it would be like around here.....
  13. I actually stopped going to one convienience store because I couldn't breath just trying to get to the beer cooler. I will be happy about no smoking in those places as well as the grocery store.
  14. I can't believe out of 10 views only 1 comment.
  15. Oh...the punishment. Why do you want to do that to yourself? You could go to Dumont and fight with all the crowds and finger dune hogs!!
  16. It was a reaaaaallllly easy install on my 2500hd. Have you thought about installing them yourself?
  17. No...it was going to be Amargosa anyway. I almost went out and bought another quad last night just to have fun over the weekend. Instead I decided to get to work and get the rail running again. I already pulled the electrical, plumbing and the works. Just need some muscle to get it out and broken down. Then I'll spend my weekend going through everything and getting it back together....unless it's worse than a clutch.
  18. Yes it is....I'd join ya on this fine Thurs...but the engine and tranny are coming outta the rail TONIGHT!
  19. I really can't think of anyone that likes the smoke from the fire coming right at them.....
  20. I wanted to take a moment and thank all veteran's who have served or are currently serving this great country of ours. THANK YOU for all that you have sacraficed for the rest. FYI- even though I was Air Force I hear the Marines are having their 231'st birthday. Semper FI!
  21. I must have done something wrong then. It came out blackened and we decided to go out for food. However when we returned home and cut it open....it was good inside. I wonder if it was the rub I used??????
  22. That's why I'm betting DUI's go up.
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