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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. Chevy! This stupid game or the 3 word stupid game?
  2. Yeah....I heard there was an opening in Henderson for Ice Cream trucks. :black: (for those of you not in Vegas) Click On a serious note.....sucks about arctic.....but we know you bounce back well. Well.....job wise that is. :black:
  3. Did he get in a fight with barbed wire?
  4. The new rail looks killer in the pics.....can't wait to see it in person. Maybe I'll make it to TT this week. Either way I forsee many good times in the new rail!! Yiah! Yiah!!
  5. I failed on pics. We rode for 3-4 hours with one lunch break in the middle. I was too busy trying to up my riding skills to think about pics.
  6. I thought someone resurrected another thread with the same name.
  7. :breakdance: What's a matter with you people. Dumont was gorgeous on Sunday!!! DAAAAY RIIIIIDE!!!! It was nice and cool...with mostly cloudy skies. The sand was epic!
  8. Check this article I posted a while back Dezzy.... Click
  9. Chester the Molester's are some of the best comics!!! Just because my named changed doesn't mean I have! :freakin_nuts:
  10. Nope. Nope. Fire is my friend. Nope. Nope. In life change is the only constant. :freakin_nuts: It was time for a change to something more sand related, and since we play in a big ol' sandbox and I am really a kid at heart (like most folks around here).....SandBox_Kid. :freakin_nuts:
  11. The dude asked for opinions for a reason. If he plans on using it in hardpack then that worries me even more. Hardpack is much less forgiving than the sand when you wad it up. ...and as far as the research.....I offered more research from folks that have them, have been in this industry longer than most, and know what's up. I have no idea why I try sometimes. FYI - Yoshi has tested the crap outta his other rail models. Did you even know that he already has a product line on the market, and not in R&D like his new one? I have more confidence in his stuff (also American made) than I would ever have in the Chinese crap.... Some of your comments come off like a backhanded compliment. :breakdance: What's up with that ?
  12. I have been wanting to change it to something dune related for some time.....and I am a kid at heart like most of us.
  13. Did you do research like this? Nice welds Click for more ...and more ...and more I'm not trying to talk you out of it. I just want to ensure you know all the facts. I personally wouldn't put my family and friends in one. They just don't look safe IMHO.
  14. Summer time is coming. Better get some thicker skin.
  15. I applaud your effort....but with the drivers in this town there is no effing way you will find me in a Rhino on the streets. ...and on the other hand.....with the drivers in this town I can see getting cut off by Rhino's being a problem. Good luck.
  16. :breakdance: Do some more research before buying one of those....
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