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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. That's why I voted against both of them. Poorly written. Now....I'm willing to bet the DUI's will increase when the food is eliminated from the bars. I am a non-smoker and hate that part too.
  2. No.....big family reunion in L.A. I'll be thinking of Dumont when I pass through Baker. As far as info on cooking, that website is right on the money. ^^^^^^^that is the most important part.....I usually take it up to around 360°F because when you first put the turkey in there is a big drop in temp......oh...and peanut oil was not a good experience. I blackened the turkey on the outside.
  3. It is a little dangerous to those that follow.... As far as deep frying that turkey....I have done dozens and have it down to a science. However I won't be there and would be happy to provide another set up minus the propane...and instructions to whomever want to give it a try. Deep fried turkey is out of this world.
  4. I usually put the turkey in and fill it with water...then take the turkey back out. That tells me exactly how much oil to put into it. I usually buy one of those big (2.5 gal I think) jugs of oil...... I have put too much oil in before and that's when it gets a little hairy.
  5. I agree that both questions 4 and 5 were written poorly. That's why I voted against both of them.
  6. No I'm not an English teacher...you're the teacher though....and I must have missed that option as I only have the 2500HD!! Alright...back to the topic... I would be a little worried towing with a 1/2 ton myself.
  7. No you didn't ....and Cheese....who makes a 2550hd?
  8. No...that's further north. Amargosa is also called Big Dune on the maps. You're better off at work. Amargossa sucks...you wouldn't want to go there.
  9. No chit....I think Hertz will rent you a new GT mustang for less than that. :freakin_nuts:
  10. I believe it's called the Oasis RV park....I think dunefreak and few others dump there.
  11. Steve's Char burger made the bomb burgers in Torrance.....CA. Mmmmm...... but a place called Brolley Hut had killer chilli-cheese fries. Then top them off with Baskin Robbins......man I think I gained a pound thinkin' about food. :chev_bowtie:
  12. It's a great tool...I'm just a little disappointed in the clarity of Dumont. FlashEarth has better clarity in that area. However FlashEarth is a very "raw" piece of software and Google Earth is extremely refined. You can even see the kiddie tracks at Glamis!!
  13. Alright...for another DDR member...this is how I did it. (You're gonna :chev_bowtie: because it is really simple) Right-click the picture and save it somewhere you'll remember on your computer. Then when you post just browse and attach.
  14. I hope that you are doing your best to make a difference. I have had my issues with CCSD and will leave it at that. ...and yes it is always easier to blame someone else, but a bright individual will realize that they can only control themselves, so blaming others becomes a useless practice.
  15. DOT has nothin' on Mil-Spec baby!! :chev_bowtie:
  16. I'd like to have one also...if there's any left. Can Pete drag it back to Vegas for me?
  17. There really should be a law against "stupid". There's just too much of that around.
  18. Great another law regarding OHV's. I'm sure this will make the blue-hairs all giddy! Wal-Mart rally......mount up!
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