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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. Ok....I've read enough....anymore and we'll shut this one down. The prez has already asked everyone to tone it down. Let's show a little respect for each other.
  2. That's what I thought too....the only logic I can figure is that they numbered them as they were added over the years.
  3. If you live in Nevada I don't see a problem, as we don't have a sticker program.
  4. According to the code they were wrong then.....unless unladen weight is the same as GVWR.
  5. Yes....it says 13,000 GVWR......
  6. That's what I thought too.....but according to the license classes at the DMV website and the NHP that pulled me over that's not the case. I just don't want to get a hefty $340 ticket because some DMV reject doesn't know the entire wording of the Nevada Administrative Code..... I've heard of the DMV handing out different answers depending on who you ask....the code is very clearly written and the officer was right. Check out the study guide. It even has a picture of a 5th wheel Tahoe on the front..... Maybe the DMV needs to read their own website.
  7. Here's the study guide if anyone's interested. I'm thinking I might go for it since I don't like not being legal......
  8. Does anyone actually have this endorsement? I know dunefreak already went through this, but after being told by NHP that I have to have it, I'm curious as to how many actually do. I only have a 25' tow trailer and I've seen so many that are much much bigger and was wondering who actually has this endorsement. License classes at NVDMV
  9. I said it once before, that this subject really brings the worst out in folks. We'll never have a complete census either way....that's the beauty of our country. Personally, if I had little ones on those big weekends I would take my camp to the smaller dunes if I really thought they were in danger, but that's just me....an ounce of prevention....... It would be easier to ride the distance to the bigger dunes than to see my kid hit by some bonehead, and then who would I really have to blame? Myself....for having them in that environment when I know what it can be like. I can't control anyone but myself. At least that's what my "voice of reason" is telling me.
  10. He was a brother of a very close friend in my group...... They always tried to convince the guy to wear a helmet, but he refused. Thanks for trying to assist....but I heard from his bro-in-law, who was on the scene, that there was pretty much nothing anyone could do.
  11. That's actually what the Navy Seals are utilizing today!! Made by Chenoweth.
  12. Good point. If it was then it would be like NASCAR. 2" seamless and braced like crazy.
  13. Off of the steep side? Did he hit his head?
  14. Here's a question I have....do you really think a chassis should be back in the dunes if it has taken a hard a$$ hit...like the one picture above? Doesn't that do some damage to the integrity of the overall chassis? I ask because I'm not a structural engineer.......
  15. If you look at the size of the cop on top of the dune...or even in the bottom....he probably averages close to 6 feet....just a guess. That drop was way over 30ft IMO.
  16. The people really give a good perspective as to the size of the drop. :shocked2:
  17. I'd like to see the perfect car too.
  18. It was in first. I dumped the clutch to move quickly (because the traffic jam just got outta the way in time) and it made an nasty noise. It barely moved in first and a little better in second. I was able to move about 50 yards to get outta the way and decided not to run it anymore not wanting more damage. It felt like it was slipping really bad and it sounded like something was flying around in the flywheel area. I definately didn't have full power....but could've drove it most of the way back if I was stranded Any thoughts?
  19. Or copy and paste it into Word.....then change the size.
  20. Yep...same crap going the Tecopa way...even a complete BBQ.
  21. I have to agree. One of my close friends has one at Amargossa and they have to fix it up everytime they go out their. NO RESPECT. .....and welcome to DDR.
  22. In that particular area my BEAM car was cruising in the nicely in 3rd. Now when you're talkin' about the whoops further out towards banshee hill........
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