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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. That's what I thought. He said it would have been a $340 ticket......
  2. Kenny.....sometimes your replies make no sense....but this time you hit the nail on the head. These are very trying times for someone's family and friends. The thoughts and prayers of my family go out to them. Same thing happened to me in that area. I got lucky and wasn't going too fast to correct. I was cruising across what I thought was a flat and it just dropped out from under us....luckily I was able start to turn just at the top...just saving it from going straight over. When it happened to me it was during the noon hours. The dunes looked continuous and flat to me......but they weren't. During those hours I can personally understand what may have happened. Tragic.
  3. Agreed. Just be happy and have a few in my memory. You have a good point. Let's look at the figures. How many died in our city of ???? over the weekend. What's the ratio? There was a pretty good fatality on the highway this weekend. Enough to shut it down. How many others died of un-natural causes? Let's not take a SWAG at the figures, let's go for accuracy here.
  4. It would go into gear....just didn't sound right. I moved it at least 50 yds....I just didn't want to create anymore damage. Thanks for the tow. You're still not allowed to Robby Gordon you're 1/4 ton though!!! :laugoff: My observations: 1. Midnights' buddy is part bloodhound. Nice job finding that trailer pin someone lost. 2. My rail doesn't do to bad towing back a similar size rail. 3. My dog DOES have a foot fetish. WTF? 4. Throttle thumb sucks! (I switched to a quad after the rail broke) Big guy on a blaster. Poor bike. 5. People don't know how to sucure their loads.....too much trash on the road! 6. According to NHP my 25' trailer weight says I need a "J" endorsement! 7. Don isn't pregnant....it's was only his dog Chico!!! 8. For some reason I kept looking for Nick on the fingers too........
  5. I noticed all the bad attitudes also. Kinda sucked. It actually got me a little pissed once or twice. I don't expect to do much duning on the big weekends, but it was everywhere. You couldn't avoid the a$$hats no matter where you went. Hopefully people will cool down a little since the season is in full swing. One of the guys doing wheelies in the flats next to our trailer finally rolled it about 3 times after tons of runs!!! I thought it was a little funny, since he didn't get hurt. However the guy who rolled walked into his camp and another a$$hat came out, got on the bike, and started right where the other guy left off. WTF? It must be breeding. I also got a little upset about the fingers being taped off. At one point I couldn't go either way and had to bail through a camped area because of the way THEY taped it off. It was there own fault I had to ride through their camp. I wanted to blast through the tape, but didn't. I did my best to maintain my cool. My wife had to get out, drop the whip and lift the tape so we didn't end up being the rude ones.
  6. We had a great time....even though we broke. Twice. Rebuilt the axle seal and went out a few more times. Doghouse repair ROCKS!!! I even had a chance to finally get out to the south pole....nice and wide open. It didn't last very long though. My bro-in-law broke so I pulled him in. Saturday night I guess it was my turn. Some dude in a rhino, not paying attention, almost ran smack into me at comp that night; backwards. I dumped the clutch to get outta the way and broke something. My bad...shoulda just let him hit me. I'm hoping it's just the clutch. Thanks for the ride Pete...your rail cooks. ...and thanks for loaning me that bad a$$ jack OGP. Midnight's buddy must be part hound dog....I have no idea how he found a lost receiver pin hundreds of yards from camp. Can't wait to do it again.
  7. I have....more than once. I'm waaaaayyyyyyy over it....and close to drunk as many times as I have raised my mug. :2gunsfiring: I think we all need a ride to the and have some ....or perhaps just a good . <----still love the look on the singers face!!
  8. Sand Brats (cmyfirepole's in-laws) plus 2 other friends that'll be at the cliffs.
  9. :2gunsfiring: I'll be sure to bring my 100' tape. Just to be safe. C-ya at the dunes.
  10. Then that goes for the kids also. Slow down or get busted. It always gets me how people think the fingers dunes should be used. I think it's the most contraversial topic yet!! ....and I'm not fighting it....just asking what opinions are and stating mine. Anyone that knows me well knows that I am all about safety. I learned at a young age what it's all about. My pops lost all 8 fingers on a brake machine!! ...and therein lies the whole problem. Pretty soon the cones come up (or metal stakes :2gunsfiring:)...then you can't go left or right because they've been coned off on both sides. Where's the give and take in that whole setup? I ride the fingers slow too to get to where I want to go...... and by the way it was stated previously even that should only be reserved for the kids. :2gunsfiring: This is why it's so contraversial. No one can see beyond their own needs and when there is a conflict like this, it becomes a heated subject. Just as long as those parents don't substitute supervision with the ease of having a convienient playground right there. It seems as though most parents find this too convienient of a way to keep their kids safely busy (or so they think) and not really keep them supervised. Isn't this the most important time to keep them supervised? Teach them right? :2gunsfiring: I do know that my son was supervised well during these times and I know that's not an easy task. Kinda takes away from the adult fun...doesn't it? I'd really like to know where you're pulling your stats from, as I don't feel like I'm in the 5%......there's a thread around here about coning off the finger dunes. Good read....might change your mind on the figures. I'm not really looking to start an argument....it's just kinda funny how this one tiny subject can be sooooooo contraversial. WHY? Thank God it's October!!!
  11. Nice. Congrats on the new ride Tiff!
  12. Reserving dunes for certain riders and OHV's. That would be considered a sanctioned event then.....wouldn't it? There are lots and lots of other small dunes at Dumont....what's wrong with those?
  13. If you have a GPS here's a list of the coordinates....... Click here. Duneguide is your friend.
  14. Check the fuses in both your tow vehicle and toy hauler. I've heard a few people find them blown and had the same issue. Sounds like a longshot, but might be worth a try.
  15. We had a really late night last night....but we got it done. Here are some pics of the improved engine cage. I really don't think it'll be a problem anymore. Thanks for the drawings Randog and thanks for all your hard work JohnnyTaco!!!
  16. Yeah...you're right. It sucks there.
  17. You think the fingers dunes should not be ridden?
  18. Any idea why the tranny broke?
  19. A couple of my favorites: "I see you're drinking 1%. Is that 'cause you think you're fat? 'Cause you're not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to." or..... "Bear... bearfugger, do you need assistance?" or..... ".....no matter where you go, there you are."
  20. I hear that!!! That is a killer pic....."step on through to the other side"
  21. That really sucks....I don't know what I would do if someone took our baby...if that's possible. I know it's like losing your own child.
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