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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. We're cutting the fruit tray and just bringing the veggie tray....we did the math and it won't last cut up for 3 days. Don29Palms: cake dunefreak: corn on the cob, hawaiian rolls, grill JoeDuner: burgers and tater salad Scott: chille justintime: RockStar drinks, chips wsky70: carne asade, tortillas, a bowl of guac. mike156: marinated chicken, chips&dip, and ship wrecks (adult beverage) sincity_blondie: napkins, plates, utensils (im taking the easy route this time) wingnut: burgers and buns, grill cmyfirepole/sandblaster: veggie tray vegas stlye: appetizers (you know the food you eat before you eat the food) sanddunesaddict: Hoffy dogs and buns duniemonkie: hand sanitizer CAPTAINKIRKW: some brats and cheddar dogs Sand Brats: BBQ Chicken & a pot of steamed rice, grill Resident^Blonde: Cheezy Potatoes, Cookies cdavego/dunesmurf: pasta salad,dip
  2. I think your a little confused. There is only one type of non-resident CA OHV sticker. It is issued in a differrent color for every year just like the tags on your vehicle. The color means nothing else. There aren't any restrictions on the non-resident CA OHV sticker either. As long as it is legal for you to be riding there it's ok to ride anytime of the year. Like Dumont...if you're crazy enough to ride in the Summer go for it! This sandrail guy has resident NV stickers on his quads and a non-resident CA OHV sticker on his rail. I have been asking for a while if anyone knows how to get one for my rail, since according to SB 400 I bought all the pieces and parts and paid taxes on them, but no one knows at this time. I should qualify, but since the resident NV stickers are hard enough to get....I'll just buy the non-resident CA OHV sticker until the gobmint figures it out.
  3. Key phrase...."road apple" (aka horse turd in the road)....... :no_no:
  4. I know....you're feeling a little abused today........
  5. Great idea, but how about TT for (Cali high desert folks)....isn't Vegas high desert also?
  6. Call it what you want. You asked just like it was YOUR beer, and now according to your man law #14 you tried to reclaim it as yours. Oh yeah...and...
  7. Don29Palms: cake dunefreak: corn on the cob, hawaiian rolls, grill JoeDuner: burgers and tater salad Scott: chille justintime: RockStar drinks, chips wsky70: carne asade, tortillas, a bowl of guac. mike156: marinated chicken, chips&dip, and ship wrecks (adult beverage) sincity_blondie: napkins, plates, utensils (im taking the easy route this time) wingnut: burgers and buns, grill cmyfirepole: veggie tray sandblaster (Mrs. cmyfirepole): fruit tray vegas stlye: appetizers (you know the food you eat before you eat the food) sanddunesaddict: Hoffy dogs and buns duniemonkie: hand sanitizer CAPTAINKIRKW: some brats and cheddar dogs Sand Brats (aka cmyfirepole's in-laws): BBQ Chicken & a pot of steamed rice, grill Resident^Blonde: Cheezy Potatoes, Cookies
  8. It's not working for me....I get: Error: We're sorry, this page is not available. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please go to pictures.sprintpcs.com in case you are using an old bookmark, which is no longer valid.
  9. I did this over the summer unintentionally.....no smell when I filled it and used it.
  10. Don29Palms: cake dunefreak: corn on the cob, hawaiian rolls. grill JoeDuner: burgers and tater salad Scott: chille justintime: RockStar drinks, chips wsky70: carne asade, tortillas, a bowl of guac. mike156: marinated chicken, chips&dip, and ship wrecks (adult beverage) sincity_blondie: napkins, plates, utensils (im taking the easy route this time) wingnut: burgers and buns, grill cmyfirepole: veggie tray sandblaster (Mrs. cmyfirepole): fruit tray vegas stlye: appetizers (you know the food you eat before you eat the food) sanddunesaddict: Hoffy dogs and buns duniemonkie: hand sanitizer CAPTAINKIRKW: some brats and cheddar dogs Dune Brats (aka cmyfirepole's in-laws): BBQ Chicken & a pot of steamed rice getting closer!!
  11. I thought I would resurrect this thread for one more improvement to the rail.....besides a new engine cage, HID's and possibly wiring..... I am adding "economy" disk brakes. They aren't the prettiest...but they are disk. I can finally throw out my 1962 drum brakes, and not worry about adjustments!
  12. NICE....those Valley Performance guys were haulin the mail!!! Anyone know what happened with the Discount foriegn auto shop out front? Now it's Butch's speed shop?
  13. You expected a gentlemen? :shocked2:
  14. Is there anything else to change besides the batteries and the way they are wired? Inverter/converter? Are these batteries larger than the 12v ones?
  15. It sucks that this happened, but it is nice to see them step up to the plate. :chev_bowtie:
  16. I just wanted a bolt for the outside door latch. So I thought I would stop by Bill Heard during lunch. It's the one that goes in the side of the jam....they couldn't find it....challenged me to find it on their tiny a$$ diagram....then proceeded to tell me it wasn't a serviceable item. That reminded me of the console latch that broke....I was told I needed a new console to fix the latch. Then more nightmares come up...like worn door hinges that aren't covered on the "bumper to bumper" warranty. I already figure the next dealer repairs are going to your shop....but I thought I could just get a simple bolt. OEM...not Home Depot. That's where they sent me. :freakin_nuts:
  17. When the dealership tells you that something between the bumpers isn't covered in the "bumper to bumper" warranty. :chev_bowtie: ..or When the dealership parts guy tells you that the part you need isn't serviceable and they don't carry it!! :freakin_nuts: Yeahhh.....I'm a little down on the dealership today!
  18. There's a thread for that already. Click here and add yours.
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