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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. Don29Palms: cake dunefreak: corn on the cob, hawaiian rolls. grill JoeDuner: burgers and tater salad Scott: chille justintime: RockStar drinks, chips wsky70: carne asade, tortillas, a bowl of guac. mike156: marinated chicken, chips&dip, and ship wrecks (adult beverage) sincity_blondie: napkins, plates, utensils (im taking the easy route this time) wingnut: burgers and buns, grill cmyfirepole: veggie tray sandblaster (Mrs. cmyfirepole): fruit tray
  2. I remember that. It was his wife braiding his daughter's hair. We tried to warn them, but they said "nah...we've been around these before." :chev_bowtie:
  3. Just to rub it in some more...here's a pretty good video from the event. :freakin_nuts: I'm not sure Dave....we got off the I-15 in Jean and headed back towards Vegas on the old hwy. About a couple miles down the road we turned off towards the East and drove in towards the range about 5 or so miles. I heard that area is used a bunch for races of different names....
  4. ....to add to the NV OHV registration stickers....there seems to be another bill in play that will create yet another sticker that NV will charge for. Stay tuned. Careful.......you may need to prove you don't live in CA if you have a non-resi sticker. Just a thought.
  5. That's how Lance Magin is....he was paralyzed while motocross racing. Now he races anything that he can strap himself into.
  6. On the opposite end of the spectrum....I followed a diesel with a 40' flatbed full of sheetrock into Dumont........he had a quad on the very back!!
  7. My stickers came from the dealer. They have SB400 posters everywhere that mention the sales tax deal...however if you read the entire bill the dealer is supposed to provide the sticker when you purchase the bike. I had to argue a little to show that I knew what was up....and they FINALLY gave them up. Now I'm hearing that they are coming up with this other sticker program contained on another bill and am not sure where this leaves me with the others. Don't ya just love the gobmint?
  8. This is my brother Hank. He is in jail right now. When he gets out he is not allowed to be around animals and kitchen appliances.
  9. Small flashlight.....I broke down in Amargosa at night w/ no moon. It took my crew 20 mins to find me cause they didn't notice...and when they did they had to fuel up before coming back out. I felt around in the dark and fixed my own problem, but a flashlight would have meant I made it outta there faster.
  10. I have a friend here in the County who has an OHV adventure business out of Amargosa....she was telling me that RideNow wouldn't cut them any discount for a cash deal on 10 quads. They wouldn't even let them buy up what was remaining in their inventory!!! WTF!! She says that they get great deals down in Kingman or Phoenix???? RideNow.......not real riders.....
  11. Had another great time in the pits at the race. This time we got to see a lot of action!!! More pics here!
  12. I agree. Anytime I see HOA I know I'm not compatible. I have to park outside and on the street.
  13. How come there is no splatter from the human when he is squashed?
  14. NICE. Govt has contradicted itself once again. SB 400 which just passed already provides for the OHV sticker (which I already have two of) for no charge.
  15. Nice piece of amateur video. It was way tooooo set up. Must have been some college students working on a project for a grade. More than likely they'll be working in Hollywood before you know it.
  16. You can go here for spectator info....click ...or you can come with us...... but you'd have to make it a day with us and ride with us. Only 2 vehicles in the pits for the one I'm at and if you want to go you'd have to commit to the day because Alt pit B crosses the course and there's no going in and out. If you want to spectate the above link should cover the directions.
  17. Anyone going this weekend? I'll be at Alt Pit B!!! Should be a good race...especially if it rains like the forecast says!!
  18. I do the same thing...Baker there...fill up; then Tecopa home.
  19. They also carry 100 at Rebel further west on Sahara...I think @ Decatur. I put some in my with a diablosport predator high perf tune!!! It was on like Donkey Kong.
  20. Not your comment....hers. Right after you said that she chimed in all hurt. THAT pretty much gave it away.
  21. I thought that pretty much gave it away.
  22. My ears are burning!! Take it back. I know someone who's not getting presents this year.
  23. Sorry...can't make it. I'm not "in the HENDERSON area". j/k
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