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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. When we picked up the new LTR450 we also asked for Nevada OHV stickers for both of our quads....and got them!! If I remember correctly those stickers should be good in Cali and Utah...right? :mc_smiley:
  2. Is it me or do you have more than one personality....... J/K I had a good time at the event despite being a little down on the physical side of life, otherwise I would have brought a cooler. I even had a DD with me. Good racing action also!!!!
  3. I have a couple of those single halogen work lights that sit on the ground.....just say the word and I'll bring them out.
  4. I was planning on it....but I found out I booked a cruise to the Mexican Riviera at the same time. What's a guy to do, but follow the party to Mexico.
  5. Dude, I hope you live to be 99....but I know that's a long shot for me. I'm calling it mid-life at 40.....2.2 more years. It's all part of the plan to get a LT rail!!!! Gotta be young enough to enjoy it!!
  6. I thought I saw a pic of that somewhere.....did it have someone on it?
  7. Those one's that look like bombs?!! Those were pretty cool once I figured out it wasn't a bomb next to my truck!!
  8. NICE.....I see they're promoting DUI then......
  9. Yes he does. He took care of us not too long ago also. Thanks again Joe...you do run a first class biz.
  10. You were really tired when you wrote that. I'm not buying it!! You were going all out...why back off now? J/K....had to get a jab or two in. I'm not offended either....just seems like a lot of wasted energy.
  11. I have relatives that live there. This explains a lot. :headbang:
  12. That's always a bonus. So why start a topic about it? Is it October yet?
  13. Or...is it getting close to that mid life thing? Nice bike. Can't wait to see it run in the dunes.
  14. I kept that one in my bag of tricks until the right occassion came along. You can thank your buddy Chase for bringing that one out!!
  15. I'm ok with paying for assigned seating. I'm at the very top and will happily tell some effer to move their butts outta my seat!! :chev_bowtie: Seems like I'm doing that every year for the cup event anyhow...... :chev_bowtie:
  16. Me and Fctryblck84 will be out there on Sat hopefully in the blue section. He's gotta work so that's the only time we'll be able to make it. Will anyone else be there then?
  17. You got that right. I think I'll have another beer and watch!! Especially since he doesn't seem to like my son's truck very much!! :chev_bowtie: No...actually I'd pull him out if I was the only guy out there. Can't leave a duner stranded...even if he acts like Chase does. :chev_bowtie: I think I'd make him shag me some beer first though!! Then take pics...make him eat his words...then pull him out. I wouldn't have a problem with any other truck helping me out. Period.
  18. Dude. You need to take all of over here. <<<<<CLICK ME>>>>> This post is about Little Sahara....not how your truck is better than others.
  19. When you right-click on my computer there is no manage option?
  20. It's a free country. I hate "the man" and work for him also!!
  21. IF you can catch it before you run outa gas!!!!
  22. .....hmmmm....I was just thinking about the last time I had to work on my new . I don't miss all the maintenance I had with my '69 pickup. ....and fuel mileage!!!
  23. It's been a while since I used 98, but can't you just add the snap-in back in......like XP...or was that Server 2003?
  24. Great idea. Let the testosterone fly!!
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