Let me help wingnut.
All of the rock you listen to today is still somewhat based on A$$ rock, which in turn is based on previous versions of rock. It's all just a mutation of the previous versions. It really started with a mixture of Mississippi delta blues and appalachian folk music. That's back when icons like Muddy Waters and BB King were hammering out the licks like nobody's business.....on a street corner to boot.
Say what you want about A$$ rock.......without it we wouldn't be where we are today. Personally, I appreciate what each genre of rock has done over the generations to contribute to today's sound. Even punk, death metal....or whatever. I hear new bands today that sound like the old Zepplin and others from the day. Then, once in a while, there's something completely different that comes out. I haven't found any music with "pure talent" and top musicians, that I don't like....except rap.....cause I don't see the talent.