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Everything posted by mush

  1. i have been with farmers for years for personnel and commercial, i am gong to be shopping all the big companies this week or next, along with my health insurance, i know there is about a 25-30% difference in my commercial liability and workers comp this year than the previous years, they are alot more hungry now a days and willing to actually give you a decent price..
  2. thanks for the free cup of coffee at new years..much appriciated, still need to try a deep fried twinkie..
  3. my buddy is doing this swap as well but he has it where the starter is on bottom, any tips on what exhaust to run?? Oh and that photochopped seat LMFAO....
  4. pretty sure that was you i saw joe duner, everytime i looked at the dunes from camp i see an orange rzr tearin sh*t up.. always was out riding it seamed. big dave, i think i chased your homie with the white cage up comp late sat night we were blowin thru on ride i noticed a rzr on the hill after the whoops, and i went up after it an we played around on the left side ridge before we took back off on the ride. i like your vids we will def. hook up for a ride.. where you at in hendo, i'm off wagonwheel if your close.
  5. nice vids man makes me want to go!!!
  6. i'll ride with you guys thats bout how we roll with the sand crazed crew, wide open.. see if my little rhino can keep up
  7. ya mike i saw that first vid an was think WTF where the hell was that at.. lol still good riding tho.... i'll take choppy sand over no sand anyday!!!
  8. i have the xog, and it came with the windshield mount, i took the ball apart,(in half) and drilled a small hole in the dash and bolted it on the other side, and made it a free dash mount.
  9. any "good" girlfiend would ask they're man what HE needs for HIS rail IMO... j/k
  10. yep saw my first 3 leo's in tecopa. lol... i was expecting a sheriff on a horse.
  11. sand was real tore up, everywhere.. not to many peeps but a full house for sure.
  12. i know he had one with the rear bumper like that, it might be his, i hope not.....
  13. wonder if you can get the in the matching fabric as your rail seats dunfreak.
  14. well thats a great car to make it your last. congrats
  15. daryll at sandcrazed is a great builder. 258-0800 or mark at performance rhino builds them too, 740-5300
  16. no she was camping with me when the dog got lost, but as i just said somebody just called her from dumont wih the dog.
  17. somebody just called and she is heading out there right now!!!
  18. they were camped with us in the little dunes by bath #1, and trust me they searched everywhere. it sounds crazy the "stowaway" part but this dog jumped in my friends trailer and was hiding under the bed, and they did not even know about it. those fireworks really got him nervous.
  19. on our way outta the little dunes i found 2 trashbags full, laying around from a neighbors camp, comp looks like a freakin disater area after peeps leave sat. night i picked up about a dozen bottles and cans from the a$$hats that were nest to us.
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