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  • Sand Toys
    08 RZR
    06 yfz
    04 Predator
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  1. I got the rear haulers in 20's with an 8 paddle they seem to be good for me all around ive ran just about everything in the rear from sand sharks to sand stars to 22" hauler 7 paddles and my 20" haulers are about my favorite. But yeah i will probley get the skat traks to match the front. thanks man.
  2. Its a bad a$$ rail dude. Bet it rips out in the dunes. You beat all the v8 rails pretty easy?
  3. how big of a difference really are they from stock though?
  4. Damn sure feelin the love around here.
  5. Ya i understand i came off as an a-hole. I'm sorry for anyone i offended.
  6. No im really interested in what its all about. I was thinking about going sounds like a good time.
  7. I couldnt tell a difference from the single ribbed from stock, is there that big of a difference in the buffed fronts?
  8. I hope one day soon i get to meet you in person bud. Dumont New Years?
  9. Oh yeah im sure. I mean i bet those two seaters are a blast to drive, and four seaters take alot more skill to dune as well as a two seater, but to me a two seater seems a bit unfinished. Almost like a single cab truck all done up. I mean their nice its just almost like its un-finished.
  10. No bro im not trying to start sh*t just curious sorry. Seems to me you get butt hurt pretty easy though, Pete.
  11. Ya but i mean for only about 5k more you could get somthing alot better. But yeah congrats on the new rail it looks pretty clean for a two-seater.
  12. Pretty nice ride. Alot better than your old one. But why didnt you get a four seater?
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