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Everything posted by Raptor0206

  1. your leaving out the good part of Michigan...the UP
  2. Damn why did this turn into a b*tch fest? BTW don't forget the toys and whips!!!!!!! (meaning ATV's and flags)
  3. are you talking about dirt track oval racing or drag strip? Do a seach of my post about "atvs road legal in vegas" there is a few pics of raptors with r6 rear shocks, they can be bought off ebay for around 40 bucks
  4. I really hope to make it out there this year, i only made it out for new years half a day (we just moved to vegas 2 days prior) and once this june when it was nice out for another half day. Maybe i will get some weekends off and find me a truck to rent and not the fricken uhaul ford f150 that in the end cost 300 bucks. I am also very thankful that my raptor is paid for in full. but seeing how its paid for i want a cp piston, cam, +2 TB and a port and polish.....maybe one day when i get full time hours
  5. id kill someone!!!!!!!! i just paid rent so im broke...there is nothing for them to take b*tches.
  6. o yeah! How you dooooooin, Is that a mirrior in your pocket because i see myself in your pants......PM me LMFAO
  7. The "guilty" person has posted here already I think
  8. me or her? i am 99% sure who it is and you should to.....
  9. come on fess up...... http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/w4m/1297065440.html gotta love the pic..... Do you like younger guys?????? BTW im not trying to bash anyone i just came across it and was like wwwwhhhhaaaaatttttt! lol
  10. looks like just enough room back there for a 70's track
  11. How much a month? how much down? pets? pet deposit? just trying to help out
  12. if that sh*t happened to me every one of those skate boards would of been broken over that POS head and shoved up his a$$!
  13. lol it looks like a mini lion!
  14. We just brought my yellow lab down from Minnesota after the 4th, she always sheds but it seems like its gotten wayyyyyy worse since she has been down here. I do not think its because of the heat because shes inside all the time and we have AC. Back home they didn't have AC so it was hotter back home for her. How do you guys deal with it down here? I comb her daily and it just keeps coming. Do people really shave labs down here? how about some "de-shedding" stuff? thanks guys and gals!
  15. yeah they seem to over price stuff a little much lol.
  16. "This guy is nuttier then a box of squirrel turds" - Cole a little quote from cole last night i
  17. musta been a good :beer_bang: weekend at dumont
  18. so why did all the pics come down???
  19. I will take pics AND videos if ya got them lol!
  20. ok the front looks good now do the rest
  21. lol i remember that night when the bus ran into the taxi...like wtf was he thinking "o i can make this with my little geo metro...o wait...sh*t" I think its time for me to do in house....u guys get to see it all. I just get mosh pits and drunks. Last show i got nailed in head by some chics head falling back after a big group in the pit fell into the crowd. O and then about 2 min later a different chic fell back and put her 6" spike like heal into the top of my foot. with that all said, I still love my job
  22. So i was thinking of taking the dog down to lake mead tomorrow, i have never been to lake mead and were up in summerlin...whats the best way to go? go out towards lake las vegas on lake mead blvd or go down past Boulder city on 93? im mainly just looking for the best place for her...any sandy areas that wont have 200 people? or is this all just a bad idea? (she is used to the lakes back in Minnesota) any help would be useful...
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