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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. Oh snap! Speaking of a good time- I found an OLD pic of us at a party and you're in it. I thought it was funny since I just met you "officially" trip before last :moon: I miss you!! What the hell? You would have been a perfect addition to the regatta. You are in charge of teaching me Mexicalli and Thumper. And, perhaps, getting the next TT together. That's awesome, make the best of both worlds. LoL! That's freakin' right Then you don't preview your post....... I'm kidding! Put down the gun You don't drink too fast, you drink a P-jizzle molotov cocktail Thanks for always offering to make me one by the way
  2. If you do the foot work you can use my discount. Just call MGM or Mirage properties (which is a large portion of the strip) and ask what the discount is for the nights you wanna stay; if you find a spot, pm me and we'll work out booking/payment. Hell, this goes for all you DDR weirdos. I don't mind sharing my discount, I just hate calling to find out what it'll be that weekend.
  3. Hey. Monkies only bite people who deserve it. Oh, and people who don't proofread their posts.
  4. Yea, I get an employee discount at MGM Mirage properties as well. I will try to find out tomorrow what it is...
  5. I vote Tyler for Prez!! This has been exactly my argument; it's not MY fault all these other people had kids. April, I love you. I'd give your kid money. That would be the only hope for a normal life those rugrats would have. That or she'll hopefully loose count in the mall one day and leave one in the Gap
  6. Las Vegas Natural History Museum
  7. Haha. No tape, just good times... I don't wanna wake up taped to the top of the new north pole...
  8. I can't really do anything till April Yes the Museum is doing glow... and it's AWESOME! You should all come see it and make a donation so they can pay my a$$... Thanks for the pics Jodi! I really wanna see that soon!
  9. Good idea Kit, we should def do that before it gets hot... There is so much to do around here, I never feel like I spend enough time in the valley
  10. I like it- but we have to use a bong and not a bong. Oh snap! No worries Che, everyone like to put 2 cents in but most only have one I miss drinking games... but I don't want to involve duct tape :ah:
  11. Hells yeah, if others are down.. I've ben wanting to get back on a horse for a while now! I havn't been riding since high school Wait... we're talking about horses right :ah:
  12. Umm, do they eat them too? Or just for the pelt?
  13. Hey! I had to take off Sat night... stupid fish :angry2: Good thing I love my job; driving back to Vegas @ 10pm after a full day of Dumont might be the worst thing ever... and I get to do it again next weekend It was nice to meet you che, see ya' soon
  14. The Atomic Testing Museum, and of course the Natural History Museum. Rhiolite is only a couple hrs away and not a ghost town gone tourist.
  15. Haha! That's right!! You know I always watch out for you babe!!
  16. duniemonkie

    Flav H20

    Man I hate Clark County. You have raised multiple good points and I cannot wait to hear how the PTA meeting goes! Would it be bad parenting to have your daughters reply to those teasing that it's sugar water and they're just gonn get fat? What school is this, if you can tell?
  17. Lol Jill I love it!! Thank you That will have to be in all my emails at work
  18. Duniemonkie chic tank top M if you can
  19. Your food is sooo freaking good! I am generally not a big meat eater and only like the taste of my parents bbq, but holy sh*t I could eat a solid pound of that tri tip! AND your kitchen is much nicer than a certain casinos... :?:
  20. :?: Like drive really fast yourself instead of watching someone on tv do it? Don't be silly!
  21. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/local/car...0,2315880.story But can it do a stoppie like Cole?
  22. Of course! We are always happy to bring someone into the light!!
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