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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. I'll just burn you some cd's... If you end up working out here you'll get an earfull of this stuff! Pete and I ht a ska show once a month at a min lately
  2. Yay I am soooo happy for you! Good luck with your neighbors
  3. I can't believe people called in to complain! Big deal.... My hat is off to the anarchist who did this!! F everyone else's morals
  4. I only care about hockey so... when is superbowl? :?:
  5. We'll have to have a round where a co-pilot rides on the handlebars, we'll spank everyone! Congrats! Stripper pole 70? I agree!! But we may need a mobile orthopedic surgeon at vendor's row
  6. I have a doctor check 'em every year, but you seem to check 'em 50 times a day! (o)(o)
  7. What's a 50/50 burrito? Half Mylanta?
  8. Oh damn... Pete and I claim the couch! You better clear some space on your fridge for more drunken poetry!! And put Jules in a protective bubble 'cause there's no way I'm going to remember Smudge...
  9. The secratary has spoken! I guess we're there
  10. I'd like to check that out; I'll have to see what my secratary says....
  11. Let's just say that as we came off Banshee he took full advantage of that lip... :ah:
  12. Observations: 1.With friends like Jill and Vegasstyle, a monkie eats very well. Thanks you guys! 2. Shoe-sniffer!! 3. Pete is a very cordial host as he's passing out: "Eat a bag of dicks!" and "Give 'em some coffee cake!" 4. Perfect camp and perfect weekend (except for the shoe sniffing). 5. Fro wigs can help you fly, I should have tried jumping off the finger dune... 6. Steve can tie one hell of a noose. 7. Made some new pals and got a FU flag, now I just need a Your Mom flag to put under it. 8. EVERYONE at Dumont went on the S to N pole ride on Sat. 9. Lou IS trying to kill himself 10. Greg: Your mom, not Randys or Chris's
  13. This is why I take care of fish for a living. Of course, there may be a new owner for the Mirage soon... who may not like fish Hey Skys, there's always stripping!
  14. First off, there's no way anything she had on her was an original. and you can get all that crap at Ross for $5 anyway Second, stolen Caddy with rented spinners.
  15. Laugh histarically in my car every time I cash a check.... then give it all to Mastercard.
  16. MLK: Monkie Likes Kicking it w/ White Rhino! Can't wait to see you kids
  17. It's not MLK weekend without a monkie , I'll be there!
  18. You should make your own How the Sand BLows...In This Godforsaken Country! Thank you Justin
  19. Way Cheap wasted Wednesday has a faint heartbeat, but we've been busy lately... Next time we do something I'll let ya' know (and visa versa). MLK in Dumont? Anyway... Screw the government. Reagan said it best "To a republican, everyday is the 4th of July; to a Democrat, everyday is April 15th" If only he were in the Whitehouse now...
  20. Yay Eddie!! Don't forget- you have a pemanent reservation in the Taj!
  21. This is just like that silly cash for gold scam.... Hey, I bet I'd get more for my Tahoe if I turned it in to the gov't than if I sold it or "lost" it!
  22. A boat with a couch in it would be perfect for Hava-sizzle!!
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