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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. I have a huge collection of formal dresses the girls can pick from. I'll send you picks when I get home.
  2. Good thinking Raptorgirl about posting more info on the kids (and nice avatar!). Please give Jim and his family a big hug for me. Any way I can help I will, begining w/ the donation. I can def put something together for the kids and the wife if there are specifics.
  3. Within in their own statment they admit that the riding areas are "ouside park boundries".... retards.
  4. I thought of that! Make the DDR rounds and copy everyone's files Cole, you need to install a couple laptops on the mog and start a roving Comp hill internet cafe :B
  5. Ah- thanks Sky. I def want to avoid viruses. But I do agree w/ Nacho, so I will be stopping by soon. Thanks for the info everyone!
  6. Thieves how? Each song is usually 99 cents...
  7. What are the safest sites? Who is the cheapest? Who has the largest selection? Is it too big a pain in my a$$ to even bother with?
  8. Pete and I will be doing some of A lot of Way more than One or two But only after All throughout I'll probably Then we'll stop in some parking lot for :porn: At which point it will be close to midnight so :shout: Then some with a few more Eventually we'll harass the Then And one more when we wake up Then off to Dumont to
  9. One time my debit card was stolen and for about a month B of A and I were tracking the charges just to see where these f*ckers went. Well... ~3 weeks later this HUGE bar tab shows up for a bar I had NEVER been too, so I call it in. After a very long and very confusing conversation with the bank, I realized I had indeed been to this bar, right around the time my card was stolen... and suddenly remembered all those jeager bombs I bought my co-workers. It was a good laugh for the dude on the phone. I'm glad B of A still takes me seriously.
  10. We have a super tall ladder, just one more reason for you to come over!! You guys are soo nice! I just drove around everyone laughing... Good one; why isn't there a cocaine smiley?
  11. Any Las Vegans going to the strip to watch this on NYE?
  12. I just checked mine and nothing too surprising, thank God! I am thinking of signing up for a monthly service too. What's this "life lock" and how do I get that? In case anyone doesn't know you are, by law, entitled to one free report each year through annualreport.com. I feel bad for anyone who doesn't have or know how to use a computer these days... i.e. old farts.
  13. I wonder who that girl in your avatar ripped off for those tata's... Tiff, I feel your pain. I hope you can get your cash back asap! I'm on my way to get my credit report right now; it's been too long since I've checked it
  14. I don't like reading about you kids hating life. Start '09 off right (hung over and naked) and it will all be good
  15. Aww boo, I had a great year! I hope this doesn't mean 2009 will be unlucky for me Hope things start looking up for ya Che
  16. You can't see the dolphins because the rain is causing a fog over the pools so they'll probably close the exhibit. Fortunately the fish still need me regardless of being open or closed...
  17. You're sweet babe!! To top off all the bad-a$$ things we've done, I started a new job where I make more $, have more fun, get more accomplished, and get lots of respect. This really was a good year! Don't forget get all the improvements to our backyard Pete
  18. I hope it snows here at the aquarium; I'd love to see a dolphin with snow on it. A dolph-cicle!
  19. Daughters? I thought you just had Baby Ragdoll and Smudge?
  20. I am emailing this to everyone I've ever worked with! Especially my last boss
  21. No, that's how the prez knew they had the right street creds for the job.
  22. Have fun in NY and be safe!! Be sure to put a DDR sticker on the Empire State Building
  23. Just checked it out, pretty busy down there. Should be fun.
  24. Your Rhino only goes fast when powered by pixie sticks and a lack of monkies in pants.... silly :B
  25. Freaking math teacher... You boys gonna meet at the playground befor school? I would never buy one but I have had some of the best times in OGP's sxs. It 's hard to moon peeps on a raptor (but not impossible). I can't imagine getting an actual dune experience out of farm equipment as I've only seen them used for poking around and shuttling drunks, but I'd like to bum a ride if you can prove they are as fun as a rail or quad I just remembered when we rolled on the side of Predu's rhino in Little Sahara I was laughing so hard I cried
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