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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. Good pics Cole-nizzle! It was nice to party with you, Jules, and Smudge again
  2. I think your "no whiners" sign in your avatar is the best. Cracks me up everytime you post
  3. I think it all depends on whether your band sucks or not.... Any links? If you do play you have to play the theme to Blazing Saddles!!
  4. Except you didn't!! (Read with a Mitch Headburg voice)
  5. Tim, I recieved a 2nd flying monkey for my birthday so if you camp with us your kids and I can have races!!! Except I think the one you gave me may have moved to Havasu... Whatever. We'll also have a track for the 70
  6. Happy B-day!! Glad you're having such an awesome one Be sure to shear down those razors for us for the holiday :ah:
  7. Nice! I am so happy for your and your fam.! Congrats
  8. Thanks buddie!! I have a brand new pile of bacon just for this weekend
  9. Boo! We'll miss ya' for sure Glamis isn't exactly a bad thing though, you lucky bastard... Have a great time
  10. I love the way you put things April! We book you and Dave for the next fight event at our place
  11. Sounds good Jack, except for the turkey part I'm looking forward to not watching my friends stuff their faces with meat... Wait, that sounds bad!
  12. I can't stand food related holidays! Unless there was a bacon holiday... That's it! I declare National Bacon Day Ya'll have fun with your dinners though I have to take care of all the fishes before we leave that day, should I feed them turkey?
  13. You would have had to have been at Hava-giggle to truely appreciate this. And of course this won't be in your trailer, what fun would that be? I'm thinking Comp Hill Fashion Show Ok, but lime green would make your mom proud; maybe I can fine green tiger print! Rrrarr!
  14. duniemonkie


    That was a fun last minute decision last night babe I was happy to see all you effers, thanks for coming over. We'll definitly have to do it for the next fight. I am really not happy to be at work right now Lesner reminded me of that Rocky where he had to fight the Russian. Good times :B
  15. I better start Speedo shopping!! ISBB: You want your avatar back, have 1lb of bacon and a gross of pixie sticks at my house by 9... or the link gets it
  16. Liar. He totally wanted to! But we were ready to keep riding by then. This kid is a natural born talent. I was thinking Freak should use it in the next header for the home page. I had waaaayyyy too many sammiches and pixie sticks
  17. Ok, I don't like his haircut.
  18. Ya know, if Obama had said he would enact a no pants in the oval office rule, I would have voted for him.
  19. Why do you think I get up an hour after the Frizz? The coffee and bacon are done, and I'm still not in pants! Hey OGP... do he got street creds?
  20. The worst things always happen to the best people I am glad to hear that there (should) be a new album soon. This band puts on some of the best shows.
  21. You moms unsafe. Seriously, take that ho to the clinic!!
  22. I hate pants. I do like bacon though...
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