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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. Aww baby! Thanks..and ditto! I just remind myself to act like I'm on vacation, and then everything is magically awesome Like Pete said, I have great friends that remind me how good people can be. I am kicking a$$ at my new day job and diving 2x a week on the clock! :swim: My business is getting bigger and better bit by bit. I have a live in comedian, F-ing Kitty! I learn something new frequently. I have Pete (all I need). I am making more money than last month, and I'll make more next Dumont time! I live in a country where I can eat all the bacon I want, not wear pants all the time, and be on DDR Oh! And Harley will soon be a scuba monkie too! :B
  2. So long as its a "No pants, just bacon" resort
  3. Ken, I can't be fo-shizzle on when I'm leaving but it will probably be before 3pm... Keep me in mind as a last resort perhaps?
  4. I'll be there Fri around noon, ya'll call me if you need anything
  5. Well put Sean and Nick, and good topic Jill!! I got $5 on Warrior finding the thread... but it could be Cheese or Skyz!
  6. What are feelings??? I'll be nice to you at kickoff Cheeze xoxoxoxo Sean, you should google monkey tats.. there are some nasty/hillarious things peeps will put on their bodies What was this thread about?
  7. Well, you'll all have to go to the poker run at Dumont instead and help support educating your fellow duners so we won't have only Glamis left
  8. Don't lie... you ate that whole thing yourself!
  9. Whenever your mom comes back to town... :freakin_nuts:
  10. It's about time they updated their music venue.. I am, clearly, not a fan of the Joint. Though I do have lots of great memories there! I'd like to go to the last show there, even if it's something like, oh I dunno, AC/DC! I'm kidding, relax... The Foo this time were indeed top notch. Even if Dave Grohl failed to take his pants off...
  11. No worries! Arn't they all moving back because nobody can afford to build anything? There's only so many restaurants... Uh.. buh-bye
  12. That's what I was thinking! And cigs arn't cheap either!! They'll have to call those people who clean up bloody crime scenes to come in The complex this is in must be pretty nasty itself because in a nice building the smell from that dump would have already been noticed
  13. What's SRH? Man, everytime I drive down vendor row I can't stop shaking my head... Oh well, there's plenty of great vendors at Dumont that outweigh the silly ones!
  14. We're just saying that a name or logo means a lot about whether or not peeps will take you seriously. If someone's name was Dipshit would you take them seriously? "Hi, my name's Dipshit and I'm here to sell you a...". Nope!! Good burn on the car comment, sorry Tim LOL
  15. Tag................................ You're it
  16. Lol.. if I had to guess what the industry of F-word Industries was, I'd have to say it's a porn production company!! How perfect would that be? I would, in fact, buy their porn because of the name It is cool of you Eric to help your friend out and support his business. Hopefully whatever it is he supplies will overpower the name
  17. F that! I can make some pretty awesome noises without musical instruments too
  18. Nice!! I hope you can blast some Niel Diamond from that thing at Comp this season
  19. Jon's racking up a pretty good get well list so far... a midget stripper, a slurpee, and a dune run!! Great motivation to heal quickly
  20. As I said Gerald, our thoughts are with you all. ANYTHING you guys need, just call. Tell Jon if he recovers fully I'll pay for the midget stripper!
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