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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. Why bother with either? Chippendales or Thunder from Down Under?
  2. indaBOAT!! Let's go to the lake :swim: Port of Subs or Subway?
  3. Canadian passport I havn't heard that one since I lived in MI.!
  4. Goodness Dan, I didn't realize you were so sensitive ! At least I complimented Tonya's breasts! I'll be nicer to you Sat.
  5. I have no recolection of the events you describe. Oh yea, I was in Hava-hoople! Of course I don't remember You eat salad? Hey T.Malones, my mom always told me not to talk crap about Mexicans cause they'll pee on my lettuce! I guess she's right
  6. Ummm.... shouldn't the next summer plan for all of us be the DDR party? :fro_smokin:
  7. Maybe I should go eat some dirty tomatoes so my tape worm can have neighbors
  8. Chevy Chase a ) Gotta go with the classics b ) Has in his name c ) There'd be no Ferrell w/o the Chase Frank's Red Hot or Tapatillo?
  9. I think they may have taken on too much H2O :swim: @ Hava-hoople (they're L.E.D. not glow). If they don't work I'll pick up a couple.
  10. Has Ocean in his screen name so he must be cool :swim:
  11. ^^^ Had 367 posts as of 9:43pm on June 5th.
  12. Richard Cheese will get DDR staff a beer well before thay need one all night long :beer_bang:
  13. Derrr :beer_bang: I really need to get more sleep! Gerald's wife made like 50lbs of potato salad once and now I use the tupperware for catfood
  14. No actually, visa versa. Ah-na. Feed the turtles or feed the stingrays 1st?
  15. Indasand is avoiding all Havasu topics 'cause he can't go and doesn't wanna admit it so we can't call him Indawater yet
  16. Stacies always there to get the party started, "Wooooooooooooooooooooooo" :beer_bang:
  17. I didn't appreciate the Girls Gone Wild feel they tried to give Dumont; 2 chix making out and a bunch of flashers in the 1st few shots- grrrreat. Maybe it's like that all the time and I'm just lucky enough to not be around it. We're lucky they didn't get the stripper pole :mischevious: Sluts, flatbillers, and fat guys. Great show. It did make me want to join the sherrifs dept. though :beer_bang:
  18. Sticker prices just cover the cost of having the stickers printed... I think.
  19. In front of a Polaris Ranger or the person? Either way I'm down... Pants or no pants?
  20. HAHA! I'd actually rather shove a pencil in THEIR eyes... Ma Faaackaaa. Dune butler or dune porter?
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