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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. Cats!! The Joint or The House of Blues?
  2. Neither...hockey Shark or dolphin? (Hint: dolphins suck )
  3. Depends on location Front seat or back?
  4. You're an a$$, but at least you're a hockey loving a$$. I would love to go, especially considering their standing in the league. But at least while I'm sitting at home thinking about my lack of cash I can watch the RedWings take the cup...... again!!
  5. HAHAHAHA!!! Awesome Good call Trucks! Left or right?
  6. Oh yea, thanks for putting together my burrito Richie! Too bad you didn't get a series of shots of Pete and I making stupid faces, thanks dune-booger! :poke:
  7. Like Pete said, thanks to all we camped with. You all were the perfect bunch of neighbors and it's too bad I didn't get to meet everybody. Here are the couple observatons I can think of... -"Oh my God you're stupid!!" - Granny Smith apples :breakdance: - People from Lehi apperently have no social skills - Dr. Ryan - Carne Asada every day = an uncomfortable ride home - Predu during the day :breakdance: , Predu at night - Do not EVER turn Predu's kid upside down!! - No helmet laws are natural selection at its best. - "umont unes.com"...run!! - "You missed the gang-bang fight!" - Spider tree?
  8. Unfortunatly the company Pete uses doesn't offer hats. We usually have some that we sell personally if you see us @ the dunes...
  9. I swear that thing glows in the dark! Jodi, come over and clean the passenger seat... You were more excited than I was
  10. Geral, perhaps you could combine the two for a transitional period... cmybox
  11. Awesome Jodi! If we go we'll have to meet up out there Won't know for a couple days though, I think...
  12. Even though you don't have to wear a helmet up there, do anyway!! You never know when you might drive through a pine tree to find nothing on the other side :black:
  13. I just mean that you don't seem to age... are you a vampire?
  14. There's a Dumont St over in the ghetto by the Boulavard Mall. I tried to stop and get a pic of it once but was too afraid to be out of the Tahoe for too long
  15. I had to gigle through the whole Roger Waters show because he looks EXACTLY like Richard Gear and I kept thinking about the gerbil story
  16. I'll let my coworkers know too! Maybe you should get rid of the a-hole dogs and keep this one
  17. I think the person who wrote this article could have used a parent so dedicated to their education; that or one of the future kindergarteners wrote it.... Sorry you had to go through that Cheese but I think it's great your on top of education like that. However it is reason 13445523 why not to have babies
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