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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. Oh yea! Good times *Note to self...buy firecrackers
  2. Nick, I love ya' to death but you know your posts almost never make sense outside your own head right? Did you mean to say the you have no wife and so you have to go home for the dog? Melissa is out of town? If you're still near the museum I can pick up your key and go let the puppy pee on my way home. I plan on leaving the museum right after the shark feed so I can start drinking Let me know So yea, Pete & I will be there too
  3. SP2- are you saying you DON'T look like G.Clooney?!?!?! I don't wanna scuba w/ you anymore
  4. I'm pretty sure we could chronicle a pic from every night of every dune trip EVER of exactly this same picture!! Ba-berrrrt
  5. mmmmmmm, kettle corn
  6. The expression on Warrior's face is priceless! As for the 2nd pic
  7. Just thought I'd up something interesting.... See you at cleanup Pete?
  8. So? We could be camping at the ranger station and I'll still take the finger dune! It could be the worlds longest line of caution tape And only Kristen and I can ride on it And jumpers, we'll dedicate a spot for jumping your sh*t
  9. Kelly, you should take the rockpile! Just watch out for "hater families" :chev_bowtie: Kristen, the finger dune is ours! We better get out there the Monday before to rope it off When are you kids leaving for the weekend?
  10. Kelly, just be sure to include one whole finger dune in your "property" I guess I'm going too
  11. It's for trendy people; I saw a whole pile of them at Glumont.
  12. Wow, I actually agreee with you on something? For all of these people having hard times they sure don't mind paying to get into the aquarium; we add about a million visitors every year (of course they are mostly out of state), but the same goes for the city museum I work at. I don't rake it in but no matter how the economy goes the fish still need to get fed. My heart goes out to all of you feeling the pinch though, hopefully this won't go on forever
  13. How about you just don't refer to gender at all? Like I said, come out and ride Really though, there are a lot of great and FAST 2 wheel riders on here. Pretty much anyone w/ the 2wheel crew thing in there sig.
  14. Congrats on looking like a big retarded azzhat
  15. Sexist as in you're implying that 1) quads are for less skilled riders 2)these riders are women 3) using the phrase"girlymen". Talk sh*t all you want but don't pretend your junk will help you.
  16. I see more and more chicks on 2 wheels every trip and they're tearing it up with everyone else. Please keep your sexist comments to yourself and use your "riding skills" to prove yourself instead. Good luck keeping up with my MAN.
  17. Looks like PT's is becoming 1/2 fishbowl instead of just obeying the law.... We had our post-Glamis din-din there tonight and saw framing all around the "restaurant" side
  18. I'm pretty sure this was when Mary was saying I had salmon undies!!!
  19. I also observed that it is impossible to take a pic w/ Mary.. it'll just be another pic of her molesting me :eatdrink021:
  20. You forgot an important observation... *Lot's of shower curtains and pillow cases* :eatdrink021:
  21. I think being there brings the alcoholic out in even residents, that's why it's a crappy place to be, and that's more reason for everyone to drink :whacky101: I feel bad for ya'
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