Two Pete's?
Dude Randizzle! You and Nitwit sooo have to come with!! Holy crap that would rediculous :fro_smokin:
You can get tix for any and all days that you want ($90/day); LOOK AT THE WEBSITE!!! :poke:
Trust me, it is worth the money
Nope, they opened for Cake.
Look in the mirror :afro:
I'm kidding Cheese... get me a beer.
When Pete and I went we just crashed in the Home Depot parking lot with the Tahoe
Holy schnitzle! I just bought our 3 day passes and it came to almost $600!! I guess that's why I have a job
Randog- how do you not know about Coachella?!? It's in Indio!
If any of you want to log on and get the 3 day passes the password is desert.
I can't wait
Damn straight you do! It seems like that was 3 years ago This year I think I'll just bring a bunch of Rhino Kings "guys" to pick up the trash :flatbiller:
Right after he and I got into it Senor Queso started in with his silly shenanigins... but he can take the heat.
Check it out, don't ask someones opinion then get mad when you don't like it right? :argue:
Also, don't wear pants
I have no idea what in the world would make him feel unwelcome All I said was his topics are useless and he has a bad attitude about chick duners
Anyway, I'm sure every retard that has thrown a temper tantrum and said they aren't coming back signed up under a different name to lurk So if he sees this
Good times :argue:
The sword?! What's with all the strategically placed guns? Is some one gonna step to you snoop? Is your 'hood that bad?
I liked the music though, reminded me of Raiders of the Lost Ark