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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. The moral of the story... DON'T HAVE KIDS!!!!!
  2. Ugly We have a special members section for that.... I kid, I kid... Mark, sorry man. I didn't mean to rain on your parade; I was just very hurt that you were right next door and didn't come see my fishies
  3. It's worth about $5. I'll come pick it up tomorrow. Seriously though, there are probably a few coin collecting websites out there...
  4. Hey D-Cheese, I'll be at the beer tent with your wife. If she buys I'll even push her a$$ around! Stacy, drive down and sleep in your Burb! Fk matresses! You can even use our shower (for $10)!
  5. I don't think I could stand to look at that guy for more than 5 minutes Glad you had fun though!! Danielle, if I ever get free tix they're yours!
  6. oh yeah.....and congratulations
  7. At least this one relates to the dunes.... Will we hear from Mr. Cheese as much after the season starts? Just messing w/ you dude
  8. If the culprit reads this thread..... Don't EVER use DDR like its your personal property. Crap like this makes the whole website look like we are a bunch of immature thugs. NO one on here has the right to do something like this in the name of DDR. "Stay off DDR", who are you, the DDR police? I'm so pissed about that note I almost never want to ban Chase, except he probably can't keep his evil side off the keyboard... Sorry this happened to you Chase. I agree with Steve, lifetime ban. I don't want to associate with this kind of person.
  9. CoffeeCoffeeCoffeeCoffeeCoffeeCoffeeCoffeeCoffee and GIN!! this thread is making me hungry...
  10. Nope. Haha, invisiass So back on the topic.... will we see the new truck at the kickoff?
  11. Let's fence in part of the camp area and everytime a ranger catches someone going out of bounds, leaving trash, driving drunk, etc..., that person has to camp in the fenced in area for 2 years. Eventually the close quarters will cause them to kill each other. Or they just won't come back to Dumont..
  12. Looks like I picked the right industry to go into It's funny that with all problems with gas prices and no one being able to travel, public aquariums pretty much double their previous years #'s consistantly. I'm still glad I live in this counrty and no other; unless we get another crap-a$$-Clinton in the office Good call RichardCheese, I totally agree with you Would anyone care if we just took over Mexico? It probably wouldn't be hard... Oh wait, then American business wouldn't have anywhere to go to ignore environment and labor laws except China.
  13. Just don't get caught man! The kids will for sure respect you for it in the morning I don't think it's illegal if the teacher is hot, at least that's what I saw on Southpark!
  14. Dan, Richardcheese is going to put it @ his camp to help Pete keep our camp nice. Thanks Richard :mic:
  15. Turtles? At Dumont? Dumont Dunes in California? Are they in the litttle river at the entrance?
  16. Maybe we should all focus the next season on ripping up every plant and squashing every animal at Dumont so no one will have anything to protect... Of course if dirtbags keep leaving their trash there will still be birds...
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