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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. Bob, chill out. I'm all about protecting weed :porn: If that's what's out there no fence can stop me
  2. I see a lot of boundry markers at the edges of Dumont that I frequent; the markers are those tall plastic sticks that clearly tell you to turn around. If there were more of these markers would everyone be satisfied? Perhaps we need to design a marker that is more noticeable? I'd say that so long as the fence doesn't effect the wilderness (animal movement or what have you) then toss it up! There is no way to get everyone to agree to not go past any boundry. Like ntrsandman said, people already take over the finger dune, ride through camps, and leave their trash everywhere. Vicki, I applaud your patience and diplomacy. See you @ SSSS!!
  3. I had a coach once.... for track!! Everyone has to have their hobbies I suppose. Really though, I am happy the Farkas family has a ride they are happy with (though having 1 ford, 1 GMC, and 1 Chevy doesn't beat our 3 Chevy's and 1 GMC.... J/K). See you kids at Dumont!!!
  4. Gimmie my extra 10 years a-hole!!
  5. Jodi that is not the same camera you had in Havasu is it? I couldn't fall back asleep either, but I had to be up just after 5 anyway... It was a fun eclipse to watch; worth standing in front of my neighbors house w/ binoculars at 3am Thanks for posting these!
  6. Bob darling, no one needs to give you sh*t for anything as you admittedly walk around in it at Dumont
  7. ^^^^^ You should be stripped of your license!!
  8. Funny and informative :porn: Don't brag about that... or admit it.
  9. I meant president Bush, a$$ monkie! I know you don't like
  10. I'm glad you had a good time baby! May be that will make up for the fact that you have to be in the wedding
  11. That's FN right!! No one likes :fro: in a leg lock Unless you meant the president....
  12. Oh damn Bob! You made my morning. I am also on nopantsatol this month....
  13. Really? I need to lay off the crack... Thank you Don for broaching this subject; I also can't stand reading these simple mistakes. Please follow up with lessons on punctuation, capitalization, and the seen/saw situation.
  14. I did some good scuba diving in Cabo; I was 90 feet down and still comparitively warm. Lots of blowfish. Glad you kids had a good time!
  15. I'm moving to Baltimore; imagine the sh*t I could get away with!!
  16. I don't have to pick up MY poop because it's on the person I've aimed at, not the ground! I ride a quad though so..... Bob, you know I have nothing but love for ya', but either learn to spell and check punctuation or pick up your dog's sh*t. Leaving it there is as bad as dumping your grey water
  17. What do you need old fat people for? Other than fodder to make jokes that piss Don off! Don- you're not old And here's my new personal pic Tim, you know you rock. See ya' soon Superman :dance:
  18. Whatever! fk old people. And fat guys. Especially really old fat guys!
  19. Thanks for 2 years of keeping Pete occupied every evening for 3 hours so I could run a prostitution ring out of the garage.
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