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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. Hint: Don't quote the post with the nasty pic when you want to comment, this way we don't have to see it 8 times as we scroll down. Don, you're an a-hole. Now you owe me one weekend worth of rides in your rail.
  2. In honor of my awsome boyfriend starting this thing 2 years ago..... I won't be wearing pants between the hourse of 5 and 7 pm.
  3. Ummmm, yeeaaahh..... I like the idea of everyone being on at once, though a stratch of time instead of a moment may be more feasible. Perhaps between the hourse of 6 and 8 pm?
  4. I can't believe I want to know......................... Who won?
  5. Did you say "iTits"?!?! Is that porn for your iPod?
  6. Yea yea, PT's tonight, but NEXT Thursday go to BJ's lounge.
  7. Next Thursday(8-16) a bunch of Shark Reef and museum people will be at BJ's Lounge on Trop and Koval (@7:30). How about we all have TT there and perhaps Wasted Wednesday in Henderson?
  8. Fing NEVER! The 1st thing I do when I get home is take off my pants; trust me, you don't wanna be there.
  9. As far as I knew we just started making fun of how silly people looked with perfectly flat brims on their hats (sorry DuNe4ooEX, I'm sure you have great fashion sense). Then we started noticing that whenever we were pissed at someone, they were wearing a flat billed hat. Whatever. And what's with keeping the tags on the hat too? How about we just keep the boxes on our shoes and the plastic hanger on our undies? I don't get it. Like I say, no pants. Just go naked :porn:
  10. Hey mredgy, who/what is MCR? Is that the groups name or are you abbreviating? I like MC5!
  11. If by funny you mean reatrded then you are right on. Real riding has nothing to do with trashing your camp, trashing your brand new motorhome, and trying to see who has the biggest junk. This show makes dirtbikers look like the "white trash dirtbags" Pete mentioned. No Two Wheeler Crew shirts for them!
  12. Randog, you are the official class reunion promotion dude. I call Randog about Pete's party and somehow the disscussion turns to him convincing me that I should go to my reunion, which isn't for a few more years! You're crazy, pants (I know, you don't get it). Shut up, you hate your job
  13. What ISN"T the big monkie doing should be the question! Thanks Jay!! Why would you drive? Just ride on my lap... :icon_twisted: But you are riding with us right? Uhhh... yeah, me too Apparently I'm staying with Woody!! :swim:
  14. Please God tell me this is from a movie! :icon_twisted:
  15. I high centered my Grand Prix once on the way to a desert party Now there's houses there
  16. The beer in the hand with the flowers says it all! Your my kinda gal Jodi Looks like a great time
  17. That's what I said... Pete can't type.
  18. DuneFreak Offroadracer Powerhouse Vegas400ex Wsky70 DUNIEMONKIE That's right Jodi!! buggychick BudlightBob wa.statecrew BigBoreVegas GWH Ocean03? Sandseeker & Drunkest Girl in the World CaptNkllm Dunelover Yamapimp OGP Don29palms magic YFZ450 high octane junkie
  19. There's only one...... MUTHA BITCHEZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!
  20. I'm confused... You found ONE of Taco's boobs or you found a TOPIC about her boobs?
  21. You're right Chris; positive thoughts help the healing process too. Here's one; Regardless of her handicap, she'll always have a leg up on the competition!
  22. What are you all talking about? I would love to babysit anytime! Here's the breakdown: $300/sitting session, not including food-supplies-entertainment expenses.
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