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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. If this thread is too harsh, just walk on by...
  2. duniemonkie

    AM I

    I totally have no recollection! Is it that I'm getting old or that Pete gets picked up soo much?
  3. That's not what I meant! I meant that he looks , like his brain was deprived of oxygen for too long?
  4. We can't step away from this thread now! We finally found a foothold in these jokes!
  5. Judging by that pic I'd say they left that baby in the water too long
  6. Honey, double check our concert calander for August; 3 shows! Other than that, I am going to make it this time no matter what
  7. Now she can say whatever she wants.... She can't put her foot in her mouth!
  8. Bad drivers come in both genders and it sucks no matter what. Whether someone is applying makeup, eating, using their cellphone, or staring at hotties on the sidwalk they beome a hazard. Who knows why anyone does what they do ? I just remind myself that they can't all be perfect like me . I soo want to install a big, loud airhorn on the Tahoe! Like the BaBert truck
  9. That's just like when you have a sweatshirt on and someone inevitably asks "are you cold?" No dumbass, I have a sweatshirt on!
  10. If you say "I could care less", you are saying you do care at least a little bit! The saying is " I COULDN'T care less", come on!!!
  11. If it's a TV set why do you only get one?
  12. Still drunk. It's too hot to still be drunk. And I had a 7am meeting w/ my boss. I think he was high so it's all good.
  13. Well if Stacie is going I have to as well! Pete and I had Warm-Up Wednesday yesterday so we should be ready! Can we PLEASE sit up in the restaurant area? Closer to the poddy, more room, and less likelyhood of having a bad waitress. And it doesn't smell as bad up there :gayboy:
  14. Really? They're still playing? That would mean they've been together for over 10 years!!! GDB is the best I've ever seen, but Pete playing the congas drunk as hell is right up there...
  15. I agree w/ Nick, kinda. Let's have a large crowd and no one be annoying. Wait, then I can't go! F it, I'll give Nick a fat hug when I get there. Stacie, you have to go.
  16. So who's driveway? Joe's or Nick's? :redhat:
  17. Milwaukee!?!? Isn't that Lavern and Shirly territory? Nick, swim in Lake Michigan, it's awsome. I grew up swimming in that lake and I kinda miss it. Bring a boogie board!
  18. No worries, it's on the books. Let me know though so I can make arrangements (sp :dance: )
  19. May be I'll bring the Sherpa.... Nah, all I need is beer (I already have plenty to bring) and the boucy house. That made my day Ken!
  20. Friday: Drop the Prez off at jail in Barstow (kidding, but we will be in Barstow), then an exhibit opening @ the museum and post party Saturday: Defile Ken's bouncy house @ his opening, some more Sunday: Reflect on the ending of my 2 week vacation by moving rock into my backyard , definetly a couple after that.
  21. No, I didn't think you singled me out. I just get that remark all the time and I take it as "I know better than you, you're just young and hard headed". But it probably does happen a lot that people say one thing then do another. I am sure that if I ended up raising a rugrat I'd be all "it's the greatest thing ever!". Luckily I won't have to end up like that (insert pic of scissors here)! Ger, I was saying you have to look at it both ways. People who are in the other situation think they have it good too. I am glad you are so into your kids and eventually your grandkids. It just sounded like you were saying that w/o kids there is no personal growth. It's all good. You crack me up lady! And I only love 'em till they bite me or try to hump me
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