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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. Where can I pick up that soundtrack?
  2. I am so sorry Chase. Never forget everythong you learned from her and try to make her proud during your life, as I am sure you already have. Again, so sorry.
  3. Right. She should be punished according to the law, as should illegals. May be we should send her to prison in Mexico!
  4. Wow, thanks for taking us down a notch.
  5. Thanks for the tip :freakin_nuts: What year is your bike again?
  6. Ken, if I can find a cheap one can I bring a dunk tank!?
  7. I'm glad that I am on vacation this week!
  8. "Go get a job sucking farts out of theater seats you hippies!" -the great and wise GRIMACE Serously, I need a t-shirt that says this.
  9. What is so hard to understand? Some things you just don't want to do, without even having to think about it. The experiences I'll have in my life will also make me a great person, but you cannot say that those lessons are more or less valuable than those you get from having kids. Sure you wouldn't be the person you are today, but perhaps you would have been an equally great or better person w/o kids. You can't judge on what hasn't happened. The money I would have spent on their education will take me all over the world. The time and effort I would have spent will contribute to some important cause. The love I am "missing out on" doesn't exist, I have all the love I'll ever need! Speak for yourself; I hope we still know each other 40yrs from now.
  10. I'm sure the same thing could be said for developing boys; let's keep things even!
  11. "The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind." -Humphrey Bogart "Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me." -Winston Churchill "Everybody has to believe in something.....I believe I'll have another drink." -W.C. Fields "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." -Benjamin Franklin "Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -Ernest Hemmingway "An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools." -For Whom the Bell Tolls, Ernest Hemmingway "You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on." -Dean Martin This remindes me of Pete and I at weddings... "I don't know what reception I'm at, but for God's sake give me a gin and tonic. " -Denis Thatcher “I never drink anything stronger than gin before breakfast.” W.C. Fields “Clinton lied. A man might forget where he parks or where he lives, but he never forgets oral sex, no matter how bad it is.” -Barbara Bush
  12. I don't know anything about Oceano, but I am assuming that there are wild animals in the area. A situation like that probably isn't good for wildlife or hikers, let alone riders. Of course, if any poor creature got stuck on one, the trash would be blamed on the riders..
  13. Whhhhaaatttt??!! That has to be the funniest thing ever. Damn.
  14. Ah yes... I forgot about Halloween. I go just to party and see the craziness at comp, worth the risk. It's a perfect weekend to do a very little bit of and a whole lot of It's also a great way to get rid of all those stickers we end up with from the sand show, the trick or treaters love em!
  15. Kell, I love ya, but I HATE that argument!!! I am not missing out on anything by not having babies. In fact, I am gaining way more! Anything you get to love fills a place in your heart, but there is not a special "baby love bubble" that is hidden until you pop one out. If God forbid I ended up pregnant there would be a nice family that desperetly wanted kids getting a surprise on their doorstep. I feel blessed to have found a guy who feels the same way, every other nut I've dated wanted one
  16. ^^^^^ Damn straight Don! I never have thought of holidays as different from any other day, Pete just always had an extra day off work so we went to Dumont. But it is way to crazy; I'd rather go on an off weekend. Of course, there are more people in town on "holidays" too. I'll just stay home! B)
  17. There are more f'd up issues here besides what this officer did..... 1) The 1st couple was only threatened w/ a $500 ticket, not worth meeting the cops demands 2) One couple was "forced" to have intercourse? Who could get it up in a situation like this? On the other hand, you get a little action and no ticket! J/K... Officer accused of forcing couples to have sex Prosecutor: Detroit police sergeant told drivers to perform or be ticketed Updated: 2 hours, 14 minutes ago DETROIT - A police sergeant is accused of pulling couples over with his cruiser and forcing them to engage in sex acts while he watched, threatening them with penalties if they refused. Detroit Sgt. Roosevelt Tidwell, 39, pleaded not guilty Thursday and has been suspended from his job with pay. A 21-year-old Detroit woman told investigators that she and a male friend were driving through Chandler Park early Feb. 7 when a Detroit police officer pulled them over. The officer took their identification and got in the back seat of her car, then told the male friend to perform a sex act on the woman, according to court records. He threatened them with a $500 ticket if they didn’t, according to court records. The woman said the officer also fondled her breast and forced her to fondle him. The officer then told her to get out of the car and demanded her cell phone number. Tape allegedly captured coercion Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy said Tidwell later called the woman several times. The woman secretly taped at least one call and gave the tape to investigators. Tidwell confronted two other women and two men early April 14, Worthy said. They told investigators the officer pulled up to their vehicle in a police car, took their identification and told them they could go to jail or perform sex acts while he watched. The women were told to perform sex acts on the two men, and one couple was forced to have intercourse, according to court records. The victims said that the officer shone his flashlight on them and that they saw him masturbating. When a second patrol car approached, they said, the officer told them to stop and “be cool” before waving the other patrol car away. A magistrate entered the not guilty plea to charges including five counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. Tidwell is being held in the Wayne County jail in lieu of $1 million bail. Defense lawyer Fred Walker, arguing for a low bail amount, told Lockhart that Tidwell has been married 18 years and spent 22 years in the military and 12 years with the police department. ‘Not isolated incidents’ Tidwell also voluntarily met with the police department’s internal affairs investigators several days ago, Walker said. Assistant Prosecutor James Heath argued that internal affairs has received more complaints from the same park about the same time as the two incidents linked to Tidwell. “These are not isolated incidents in the least,” Heath said. “This is an officer, using his position of authority to clearly take advantage.” The charges also include two counts of second-degree criminal sexual conduct, four counts of extortion and two counts of misconduct in office. More charges are possible, the prosecutor’s office said. © 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
  18. I don't have to call you dad or uncle do I?
  19. Aww! Thanks Don, at least somebody loves me... Just for the record, I rarely smell like fish; I just smell like salt H20 for the most part.
  20. To a question like "what are you doing this weekend?" I'd normally answer "your mom!", but I know your mom so it's creepy, and I say "your mom" in my head every time I see this topic I'll have to train myself to say "your pants!"
  21. You and vehicle issues! Well. you're obviously not here so pm me we'll go have drinkies somewhere
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