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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. Happy birthday Nick Hexum. Still gorgeus!!!
  2. No, I have to go on smiley hunts too. Most of the time what I'm looking for just slips between the lines. But people posting their own smileys as attatchemts F's me up because I'll want to use it in a later post and I spend 20 min.'s looking for it before I realize it wasn't one of ours. :dunce: I do like that there are 2 monkies. I don't know why there are 2, probably just because dancing monkies are so badass!! :dunce:
  3. See, farm equipment jokes are funny! Joe and Tim, AKA, DDR supermodels
  4. Hmmmm, sounds f'd up.
  5. Does anyone know how they came up with $5.95 a month? As opposed to $15 or $2 a month? To make this easier to swallow for the members, GD should post a list showing where the money from advertisers and members goes. If I saw that my money was paying off the bills for the site or went directly to the dunes, I would probably pay.
  6. That FNG guy is unbelievable! When people mention things that bug them, all he can say is that they've never complained before; so what? Now the complaint is invalid? And he never answers how much the advertising income pays for! If DUMONT needs something we will do a donation account, just like the cleanup. This site hasn't gone the way of GD.com because of all of you. Thanks for your willingness to follow the rules, volunteer to moderate, and keeping your posts/avatars friendly.
  7. Didn't you guys know it's national farm equipment month? The 4-H club is selling some pretty hot calenders!
  8. Bert, you guys should get pink cookies and strawberry milk for the shower!
  9. That lazy eye makes it hard to read the phone
  10. So get someones # from Pete, smart a$$
  11. dnchevyman joins the DDR fraternity
  12. Duneraider, next time you come visit check out my aquarium and museum; kids always have a good time @ both places
  13. oh I know what you mean I think that guy was last seen in a gym parking lot in Simi, and that green car was up on the curb........
  14. Only if your purse is loaded with beer
  15. If you're that nieve perhaps you should have your stuff stolen to learn the lesson. Of course I always take my purse w/ me, but I have a load of random stuff to sift through; my truck would probably be robbed too... A lady @ the museum had her car broken into; she admitted to leaving her purse on the passenger seat but didn't think anyone would break in as there was nothing valuable in it
  16. I vote for the second weekend in May!
  17. Dan, did they miss a spot? Just kidding, looks nice.
  18. I knew you'd chime in on that! Ok, get me over my fear and let's go eat there next season.
  19. What if we completly ignore Chas's post. (Yes- that's my answer) What if my coworkers didn't piss me off so much?
  20. Oh, poopie. I was looking forward to some bbq and bullshit. I'd say go to Logandale and we'll party later. Or give us the keys and still go to Logandale, we'll test the place out for party readiness .
  21. duniemonkie


    No Sin, I know you weren't stirring. Are you wearing pants?
  22. If YOUR imagination runs dry then we're all What if we traded for goods instead of dollers?
  23. Damn! All I know is that Hog Heaven scares me. Really, meat in general that is prepered in a "fast food" setting scares me. Sorry to the Hog Heave folks, all I hear is good things about the food. I should never have read that article about McDonalds...
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