Well you know the first lady and vice prez must be there... Unless I get a repeat of last years post clean up activities Oh wait, I know better than to drink on Friday this year
Damn! No one is busting your balls! If you already know how they funds are spent you should have said... Hey this is what is going on, write to your gov't officials if you don't like it. Instead you asked a question and a couple people told you where to get the answer.
You have a good cause, you just need to be more specific or word things better.
You can't rail on Pete for not giong to the meetings, if it weren't for his site you wouldn't have a place to get the word out at all.
Wow, I wonder how it feels to have a stick so far up one's behind like this guy does.
And spider, just last night I was saying how I HOPE to meet you out there! Perhaps we can do some shots
Bye :freakin_nuts:
Across from bathroom 10 but before bathroom 6. You'll see a sort of stage set up and big dumpsters where the main event obviously is. You really can't miss it unless you're blind, but in that case you shouldn't be driving at all .
Hey Tim, I know you can't see thruogh the computer, but I'm running around w/o pants in honor of your birthday . It's freaking hard to run and type @ the same time!
Teee Heee! "Don't you know that you are a super star?" Who sings that?
I guess I can't talk sh!!, I would sooo have monkies on my rail/rhino/whatever!
Holy !!!! That post is an awsome V-day present! Luv ya' babe!!!!
I could never value holiday gifts over the amazing gift of knowing Pete. I think when the relationship is perfect one forgets about gifts and holidays (except b-days!).
Pete came to pick me up in Tim's rhino to cruise from camp to camp, and I thought he looked a little like a poop-d*** in it. Especially with all those stars all over it... Oh wait, isn't that R.K's old ride?
Now if he rolled up in a sexy BLUE brandnew sandrail, MMMMMM HMMMM!!
I do have to admit that one of the best times I've had @ Dumont was w/ Tim in his green Rhino, but only because I couldn't stop laughing at us trying to make it UP anything. And I was wasted.
It's all good Bob, I'm just saying that's it's lame if you're in a situation where you expect your wife to cook for you. And oRnery is a word, you just forgot the R.