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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. I don't swing this way, but if I did this lady would be my pick too....
  2. Some nut job called in to a radio station yesterday theorizing that the new babie is the result of some incestual activity between Anna and her son; they both may have offed themselves instead of living with the inevitable release of that secret. Guess we'll find out soon as I'm sure that paternity test will happen now!
  3. Nah, I'll be wearing my goggles and helmet so no one recognizes me. Or a full monkie suit....
  4. If you all pay for my food and beer while I'm at Dumont, I'll walk around with a bb gun and shoot people I see making/leaving a mess.
  5. All the DDR staff visits the other "dune sites". It just reminds us of how great WE are.
  6. Why does the cartoon chick have a man's voice? Steve- I knew you liked the secret surprises!
  7. :mischevious: There will be a qualifying round for the underaged who think they can be cool. I am the only judge and am easily bribed. GWH- I know you and you don't suck, which is rare, so you will be automatically admitted. Children under the age of 13 that pass the test will be tethered to the ranger station for the duration of their stay. I declare Don's hauler as "Ho-central"; it will be located by the rock pile just to piss off the hater family from the other thread. *No actual strippers were harmed in the making of this discussion*
  8. Yea, it really sucks. I think I saw a hitchhiker with a chainsaw at night one time!
  9. Ah! That means J-lo has sand in her big ol' bootie!
  10. No way! Can you find a clip?
  11. Nah, stick with what you know. You just keep going through Baker.
  12. http://sports.aol.com/nfl/superbowlads
  13. This is another reason why the government should have nothing to do with the private relationships of citizens.
  14. This isn't just about kids, hell I would ban 18 and unders from Dumont if I could. When that kind of crap is out for all to see it can be offensive, just as was mentioned above with the penal codes.
  15. Your MOM!!! Seriously Cole, your mom COULD win the stupidbowl (aka superbowl). She rocks!!
  16. I have a feeling these folks would LOVE a stripper pole @ the grocery store. That would actually be funny in the health food section! Or the condom and baby goods aisle...
  17. Brendan Fraser Indiana Jones Val Kilmer and the very yummy Nick Hexum from 311 Ummm Hmmmm!!! Here's some hot guy I saw @ the dunes
  18. Oh please! You can control it by not encouraging it. And there is no difference between the flashers and the strippers, they're just sad people who need validation from random male approval. Even as a joke it unfortunately has the seriouse side affects afore mentioned. It's not just about the children but all of us.
  19. ??????? Don't forget to check the Wet Spots section of the forum! B)
  20. Some of you have said "keep it in camp", but I think that may make the problem worse. It seems that we all agree that the issue is with how the crowd behaves; do you really want that crowd IN camp? There are way more children in the camping area as well, and more vehicles and pedestrians. I don't think these people are going to deny strangers walking into their camp to watch because that is what they're looking for, otherwise they wouldn't be @ Comp in the first place. How about we all go to the dunes to ride? If you can't go 4 days without seeing some sluts stop in Pahrump on your way out.
  21. Really, stripper poles? How under-sexed are some of you? Keep this crap in Glamis.
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