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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. Gross! Swapping partners! What is this? The 70's?
  2. Barnycar, I do feel for you man. I hate getting dusted in camp. I hope halloween is more fun for ya'! As for the other argument- I would rather look at the finger dunes as this... There are riders on them so why can't the kids go play somewhere else? I will be the first to admit that I am too chicken to do anything really fun on the other dunes, but I can have a good time on the fingers. And they are perfect for riders who are good enough to jump. Little kids screwing around is inappropriate for the finger dunes. Maybe next time I'll camp right at the bottom of Banshee Hill, I'm sure it'll be a different story then!
  3. The finger dune is still a dune. I should be able to tear that up instead of looking for God knows who sleeping God knows where. On the other hand if someone is camping in my way I do practice safety and caution. Perhaps we all shouldn't camp in such tempting riding areas....
  4. Friday, between 2 and 5 pm. Stupid fish job...
  5. Come on! I doubt EVERYONE washes their hands before sticking them in the chip bag
  6. Who plans on arriving when? I'll be there Fiday afternoon...
  7. Don29Palms: cake dunefreak: corn on the cob, hawaiian rolls. grill JoeDuner: burgers and tater salad Scott: chille justintime: RockStar drinks, chips wsky70: carne asade, tortillas, a bowl of guac. mike156: marinated chicken, chips&dip, and ship wrecks (adult beverage) sincity_blondie: napkins, plates, utensils (im taking the easy route this time) wingnut: burgers and buns, grill cmyfirepole: veggie tray sandblaster (Mrs. cmyfirepole): fruit tray vegas stlye: appetizers (you know the food you eat before you eat the food) sanddunesaddict: Hoffy dogs and buns duniemonkie: hand sanitizer
  8. Whatever! That's my birthday, can't really think of anything better to do....
  9. Then I'll definetly be there.
  10. Please stop re-pasting the pic of the fat-nasty, I'm afraid I'll choke on my own vomit if I see it again! Cole- that beer cap/belly button trick, I'll try on Halloween if you pay for the stitches!
  11. Hmmm.... free beer on Sunday. I will be severely hung over, but then my job can be NOT on your sisters furniture! I'll probably be there too!
  12. You're all fat! Save me some carne asada.....
  13. That does sound fun, maybe I'll go check it out. Thanks for the tip Ken!
  14. Monkies pogo... dnchevyman pogo's... Sandsnake pogo's while smoking... PaulyPaul pogo's... DDR pogo's!
  15. Screw it, Rancid is playing @ the HOB on the 7th. They take priority for me!
  16. Ummmm, ok? So the show was a ton of fun, going to the doc tonight so I can dive at work. No spanking the monkie Don, I better keep an eye on you at the sand show!
  17. Damn Paul! Still too drunk for grammer and punctuation or is that stripper from the library still on your lap?
  18. Hell yea! I love the secret In n Out menu, I always get my burger protien style (why ruin good flavor w/ bread?). And the secret Del Taco menu! I can't remember how I learned about it but ever since it's nacho fries w/ jalepenos all the way. When I taught Pete about that he was soo drunk he passed out before he finished his meal so I ate his fries too!
  19. Decompressing after a great dive. Looking up to see the sun melting over the waves, looking down into a blue so thick you can feel it, hearing your bubbles flow from your reg., and feeling singularly lucky to have that moment.
  20. But now I have this strange desire for Del Taco?! :eatdrink021:
  21. FYI: The potluck will NOT be in or around the Tajmahal this time. Though everyone is great w/ cleaning up, getting stuck w/ all the left overs sucks. At least SinCity takes her watermelon back I know the dicussion is over but I have to add my 2 cents. :mc_smiley: :shocked2: :shocked2:
  22. Haha, that's right. And this is why we're all friends! My drinking group has a riding problem
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