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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. Class of '99, and I only got a Basic education. Clark County school systems suck!
  2. Hell yea! Here's a lame pope joke... Did you hear that the pope got the bird flu? They think he got it from a cardinal! I know, waa-waa-waaaaa...
  3. I love it! I should copy, except I would use brown fuzz and attatch a tail!
  4. You guys are sweet! Ken, I always know when there's a problem w/ my a$$... :chev_bowtie:
  5. Well I finally sucked it up and went to the doctor ( what, 2 months after the accident?). I did break my tail bone, it's off to one side but not soo far I need surgery. Jammed one hip UP into (then out of) the socket, pushed a bunch of vertebrate out of whack, and I have a scar on my bootie that looks like a zipper. Some physical therepy sessions and a check up next week, no bigge! :monkeedance2:
  6. Damn, soo close! I guess the romantic get away wins.... sorry Ragdoll, can't shop for ya'.
  7. Sounds good. I'll smuggle drinks in my pants. Check it out... fn kitty!!
  8. Woohoo, me too! Just let me know what you need picked up fro the show Ragdoll.
  9. Was it pretty easy to pop in and out of the event? From the pics of last year it looked like you parked way the hell out there. I'm fat, I don't wanna walk. :shocked2:
  10. I'm there. Shotgun in the Freak bus. I guess this means I have to buy a new helmet.... Good call w/ the Triumph joke Don :shocked2:
  11. Wow, I finally got around to reading this thread and I couldn't be more dissappointed. If I had read it earlier some of these pics wouldn't be here. But they've been on so long I guess they can stay. Please remember that not everyone wants to see some of this stuff, especially close up!
  12. Holy crap I can't wait. I got the day off so I will be wasted or :fro: :redhat: or both by the time I get there. I don't see me going to work on Wednesday either!!
  13. Pt's is boring.... let's open the DDR Bar. It could be like the Playboy club, where you need a key to get in. And the steak nachos will be even better Joe!
  14. I am sooo jealous! Hope you have a great vacation.... Please take me w/ you next time
  15. It's a DDR Babie! I'm happy for you 3 When can we see him for real?
  16. I didn't get anything either (brown hair). YNOT is grey, maybe that's the trick. I'm sure the article is all about how great DDR members were at cleaning up
  17. That's PERFECT for me! Can I take it over the finger dunes?
  18. Maybe this has already been said but, a dune is a dune no matter how big or where, and they are all for riding. The finger dunes are especially fun when the top is a little packed down and you don't feel like getting into serious stuff and want to go fast. Someone mentioned not taping off the top but the sides. That is almost MORE dangerous. When you come over one side you can't always change your path last minute! And half the time when there is tape on the top, I can't tell which side they want me to go on anyway... The argument that your kids need their own place to ride out there is a little silly, it's like saying your kids need a street to drive on in town. There are some things in life you can't do until you're bigger, too bad. Reason #34783458973905734206...... (inside joke)
  19. Yea, I'll go if Pete goes. Or if Paul goes because I want to see what sort of concrete-removal will work on his monsters!
  20. I opened a spot on Myspace to keep in touch w/ people I don't care about enough to call but still like to get drunk with. Yes, some of you are my "friends" on there, so don't be offended. I do feel like a lame a$$ every time I log on though.
  21. Many thanks to Dave and Jackie and Kiki for the great time. My offer to park the toyhauler in your backyard @ $800/mo in rent still stands. I'm pretty sure the photo shop comment from earlier in the thread is for the mysterious headless torso in the bottom right of the pic. I can think of many funny things to superimpose there. No one would mess w/ you and your lady Nick. Dave & Jackie, when can we come back?!?!
  22. Reason # 1295832907-5-345832752978945 why not to have kids, no nakie time. J/K Stacie, I can't wait to meet your offspring.
  23. Well, if Mrs.Colors will be there and we can watch sweaty men kick the sh*t out of each other, then I'm in. No I will not be naked. Before 9:30....
  24. Don, you can wear MY thong suit...
  25. I'll be halfway there anyway (museum), sound like fun.
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