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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. Camp w/ Jakster, he and his wife have all the good movies! Give your ladies a hug for me Jack
  2. I forgot a GIANT bag of Pixie Stix; then you don't even need to drink
  3. Happy birthday dune-hubby #2! I got you a rolling pin for your gift...
  4. I remember the 1st night drags when someone was badly injured everyone was like "where the F was the BLM?" You gotta take the bad with the good I suppose...
  5. Well come to the auction and buy it! You two can stay at our house for the weekend! It's the one he took of you in the shower...
  6. We have to make plans to come pick it up... But we are VERY thankful for the donation from Peter Lik! B.T.W.
  7. The law! Though I'm sure he's already big pimping!
  8. The Las Vegas Natural History Museum is a local non-profit organization that I do some animal care for. Every year they throw a black tie dinner, show, and auction that provides the bank roll for the next year. Attendees are some of the Las Vegas Valley's most influential people, and those are the folks that would see your ad. You would also be acknowledged the monthly newsletters that are sent to museum members and supporters. If you would like to attend the ball or make a donation, Amy is still the contact (see above).
  9. Nice pics guys! Skinner, I especially like that 1st one
  10. Ryder is totally gonna have his pic of DDR hotties in about 16 years!
  11. Good work on an adorable baby, congratulations! When's her 1st dune trip?
  12. Congrats! Her new do is so adult! She looks like a little model
  13. Man preg or not, that sh*t's only cool @ Havasu and that neighborhood behind the Stratosphere... I know, I have a pair of shorts like that
  14. So we still don't know who the looser is that ratted them out? :stir:
  15. Oooff! I hope the problem with those pics is my widescreen and not her wide load
  16. So this incident would have gone unnoticed had the pic of Don using the tractor not been published/posted somewhere, right? Did a blm person see this and blow the whistle or did some jackass with no life rat them out? Or do we even know? If this was already explained I apologize
  17. Cute! You can't stop at blaming the dog for your farts... you gotta pin this on her too?
  18. I would never call what they did for us an easy or fun job, but Ellen and Don made it seem like they really enjoyed it. They will be missed
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