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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. Pete and I thought it had been done but weren't sure... either way, it's still badass!
  2. http://www.grindtv.com/moto/blog/4052/cam-...ss-competition/
  3. I must have a weenie then...
  4. We did pack it out.... we brought it home all down the side of the truck That was a nice site at 2 the next afternoon when it was hot as :ah: out!
  5. That stinks Pat! Sorry to hear about your woes... Just do a monkie dance, rub your bootie on the "new" rail, and you'll feel better!
  6. I wonder if they are the same a-holes that left all their beer cans over by the hill...
  7. You a-holes better fumigate the hauler Sunday when you get back! I hope you are all having a blasty-blast right now :beer_cheers:
  8. Is the show for tonight or the 27th? Where at yo?
  9. When the price drops to I'm-desperate-to-get-rid-of these, call me.
  10. Congratulations! What will she be studying in college?
  11. O O O I'm in for that one. I can stay up past my bedtime on Thursdays!
  12. Congrats to BOTH of you!!
  13. It's the old Mamma Mia theater, if you ever saw that. I've never been to far back but I'd guess it to be fine. You're going to want to see the costumes as clearly as possible if you can manage it; they are the best part of the show.
  14. I tend to think no movie is worth going to a theater to see... but this IS a movie I'd like to own when it comes out if that means anything... Pete and I just saw Lion King and that is totally worth it! Great show
  15. I was pretty impressed with RAVE @ Towns Square, though I would still prefer the theater to be empty... At least it was clean!
  16. The white guy in the black shirt looks like an older brother of yours! Glad you all had fun!
  17. :?: :hungry: :kitty: No one should have to try that hard to O!
  18. I'll put 5 on it to help a DDR member :B
  19. Holy sh*t! Hasn't the warrenty expired?
  20. F-ing BADASS! Ah the good 'ol days...
  21. What a couple hotties! It looks like a fun evening, yay for you guys
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